Does the firmness of your breast diminution after making a newborn?

I stopped breastfeeding by baby for a couple of months now, and i've lost the babe fat nicely. But by breast looks a bit deflated. I comprehend whilst i was pregnant it was swollen because of the milk. But why wouldnt it acquire back to its normal size. When i tilt my arms, the breasts don't move with me, they just lay at hand. Anyone has these same problems? Oh and the stretch marks! What do u recommend I do?

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It is because the skin of your breasts be stretched so much from the size increase when you were pregnant and nursing. It is completely normal. I enjoy the exact same problem. Every woman does eventually (if babies don't get them, gravity will). There really isn't much you can do about it besides treating yourself to a nice bra to catch things where you want them.

EDIT: Exercise won't make stretch grades go away. They are in the skin. It could relieve tone the muscle under the breasts, though.

Sore nipples?

I think it's reasonably normal.
it partly depends on what they be like to start with.
Mine be rock hard (too hard) and after having babies they still stayed firm. So I guess that vary from woman to woman.

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i recommend excercising it will make some of the strech marks progress away and make you bouncy and bountiful

One of my breast is bumpy?

Yeah, got like prob. I don't know what to do though.. but maybe breast lift will relieve??

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