Help! Pre-cancerous cell treatment and womens troubles! Women just please!?
Answers: my best friend have the same point.. and now she have a 9mo old tot girl.. i think you will be fine and going on for your period every one is diffrent
Whoa,pacify down. I had exactly impossible to tell apart treatment and all be fine. If you're concerned about term time and regularity,talk to your doctor. I have regular checks after mine and was competent to ask about adjectives these things. I'm sorry to hear that you had to walk through that, and at such a young age too.
Luckily they caught it within time, and its great to hear that everything has gone vertebrae to normal for you.
If you are worried nearly your periods just lasting two days, afterwards I would go and enjoy a chat with your Doctor. I'm sure he will put your mind at rest and assure you everything is fine.
Please don't verbs.x
Im sorry to invade your women only query, however my ex had exactly equal procedure around the same age, she very soon has a lovely little girl and is expecting another.
I would not verbs, however what I will say, and I am sure I am stating the clear is... IF you are on the pill, this may be entirely normal depending on the product you cart.