Is this Hormonal Imbalance?

I am 13 years old nearly a teenager. these are the things i enjoy:
Oily Skin
Irregular Periods
When i get them they're kind of thickset
both my breasts are different sizes
Feeling down for no reason

If it is what can i do?

asking again because no-one answered my other one!



Partly hormonal, partly puberty. You will start to even out probably by the time you're 15 or so. If you are having a LOT of problems with your period, you can see your doc and ask about the pill, but most will want you to wait a few years to see if your body and integer things out on its own.

As for your breasts, I doubt there's a single woman in the world with faultlessly matching breasts. Almost everyone will have one that's larger than the other.
That self said, again since you're still going through puberty, your breasts will take time to even out so don't worry too much.

Try conversation to your mom, the mom of a friend, or the school nurse and see what they recommend.
Puberty is never fun, but the good report is that it doesn't last forever.

Embarrassing Period stories?

Sounds like it. You might try taking a appropriate quality vitamin with iron to support your immune system and make available your body that extra boost it needs. I'm sure your diet is like the rest of ours, incomplete in good nutrition. Oily skin is a plus for preventing wrinkles following on life - make sure you maintain your skin washed and clean. Use trait cosmetics if any to prevent blockage of the pores. Exercise can take the down feelings away and the anxiety most of the time. If single a brisk walk.

This is what I would try first - give your body a randomness to equal out itself.

Labour pains??

Yes, it sure seems to be a hormonal imbalance due to your purberty. There is abundant many things that can be done to help you be aware of better.. BUT you must check with a doctor in command to get that.
Talk with your Mom.. I am sure she will be capable of help you. DO NOT TAKE ANY NATURAL COMPLEX With out seeing a doctor first.. you can make things worst.

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Yes.. Oh girl, u hold so much more ahead of you!Hormone and life wise. All u can do is, when ur have any moody times, just remind urself that its ur hormones. It will be a difficult task to accomplish because most of the time we do not realise it. thus i suggest u alert the ppl closest to u about ur imbalance hormones. as for your physical change, as time goes by the differences wont be so distinct anymore. acne will clear if u take aid of it.and as for irregular periods, i'm 21 and my periods are still irregular. it depends on the woman u see. and for periods to be heavy during ur age is tremendously normal.bare next to it for now darling!

American History?

its member of puberty , welcome to the real world ... your period will take time to regulate , you will often consistency moody, and anxious before your period its pms you can assistance the symptoms by taking midol pms.but otherwise its part of growing up...

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um idk much u could no because this is just puberty but you could ask ur doc around birth control to balance your hormones

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