Condom stuck.what do i do

My boyfriend and i had sex and the condom broke and is stuck in me what do i do?i cant consistency it far can it go?im too embarresed to see a dr...please help

Answers:    Try sitting on the toilet pushing you pelvis down and after use a finger to feel inside. Could there be anyway that it fell out short you seeing it??
I remember a young lady come into work once with her boyfriend quite embarassed, wanting to see a Dr. She and her boyfriend have sex and somehow a pair of underpants got lodged inside her. She vanished it a good week and a half earlier she sort help and the stench was atrocious!
Leaving it that long she run the risk of infection just like you..
it should come out smoothly. the same happened to me, after a week it come out. if it doesnt come out in the next few weeks, if your too embarresed to see a doctor, ring the NHS helpline which you can find on the interent. they will address you through what you have to do. you should always rob the morning after pill or the pill anyway on top of a condom to be safe. hope this help x You have to get it out , you are too flushed now imagine have to go to hospital or getting an infection. You now own a foreign body inside you and the body will be trying to get rid of it. This is so not healthy, ask your boyfriend to try and accomplish it , if not go to GP tomorrow..
The vagina is solitary 3 or 4 inches deep.
A friend of mine had this same article happen to them and she went to the E.D. but I honestly can't picture how it could get "stuck" as you put it.

It would not be able to obtain past the cervix so it should be easy to draw from it out with your fingers, or get your boyfriend to use his.

and for the answerer who said "urinary truck" please take a clue. thats the most ordinary spelling of 'TRACT' I've ever seen.. it sadden me..
This happened to me. I tried to get it out right after but I couldn't. So my bf did, he get it out. You should have your's try. You might get an infection if you vacate it there. There is nothing to be dismayed about by going to a doctor, you're not the first person this have happened to and you certainly won't be the second :) you need to go see a gynocologist as soon as possible if you dont do so u will expire up having worse damage contained by urinary truck and the condom will block the ordinary circulation from taking place and u may return with severe pain and other worse diseases so plz jst go see the doc b4 its delayed dia.
why are you embarrassed to see a doctor about this? at least possible you tried to be safe. are you fourteen or something? and dont take the morning after pill everytime. that'd be hell on your system. but this time since it broke thats probly the undisruptive thing to do. Get your male friend to capture it out with his fingers or You can use kitchen tongs gently unforced does it.If all else fails shift to outpatients You have no choice..
lol this does sound embarresing umm you should ask ur doctor
umm i would influence stick ur finger as far as u can go and u mite be albe 2 feel it and seize it out UMM, IF ITS BEEN DER 4 3 DAYS TRY 2 TAKE IT OUT BCUZ UR VAGINA CANT BREATHE.
haha very funny bullshit.

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