I can scarcely move. Can someone facilitate please?

Right under my stomach feels kinda "tight" or distraught. if i stretch or something it hurts pretty badly. If it makes a difference for the final couple days when i had to use the bathroon i felt resembling my bladder was really full cuz it felt adjectives like tight. I can't think of another word so i hope you win what i mean by "tight". also i think it is almost time for my priod so perchance that's why. i dunno though this never happened before. Anybody know what's going on?

How do I know if my hymen is still intact?

cramps? I sometimes procure that feelings. Or you may be constipated.

Pre ***/Clothes on?

sounds like a bladder irritation or touch of cystitis to me. Take some paracetamol and put a covered hot marine bottle on your tummy. If your period does not come, see your GP for a urine test. Cranberry juice/capsules backing stop bacteria sticking to the lining of the bladder if it's an infecton.

Is near a theory test to know if in that is something wrong beside a woman's reproductive system?

It wouldn't hurt to move about to the doctor. It does sound like it could a short time ago be really bad cramps from your period. I hope you have a feeling better : )

Period backing?

it seems kinda urgent.i suggest you should see a doctor.

White vaginal nouns... why would that surface?

Dermamed psoriaderm?
Period 7 weeks unsettled...what could this aim?
A consignment loss program explicitly for pre-teens (10-12) to be exact for free?
  • Period and shipment?
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