Clear stuff out of vagina aim my spell is coming?

I have this clear gooey stuff coming out of my vagina, and i always surface like i have to pee. It at random leaks into my underwear unexpectedly. What does it mean? I am waiting for my extent in the next few days so does that show it is coming? I was also scared i be pregnant from rubbing genital (we didnt go all the way) but i read nearby is an unlikely chance of that so i am hoping the clear stuff is the sign of my period coming soon. Is it?

Answers:    It's probably in recent times a sign of your period coming, since it is very unlikely that you can procure pregnant from genital-to-genital rubbing (although it is possible.) It's more likely that you caught an infection from his genitals - that is entirely possibly - or even MORE potential that you have a urinary tract infection, which could explain always awareness like you have to pee. I'd see the doctor if the symptoms don't budge away in a few days..
Yes it could mean your extent is coming. Clear discharge normally happens around the time of ovulation, approximately 2 weeks earlier menstruation, also the time of your cycle you are most likely to get pregnant.

On the second note, you CAN get pregnant any time a penis comes into contact next to your vagina. A guy does not need to ejaculate inside of the vagina for a girl to get pregnant, within fact the guy doesn't need to ejaculate at adjectives. All it takes is a little body fluids flowing between the two of you and sperm can swim anywhere. Sperm can live for up to 72 hours once it have left the penis, especially in a forthcoming environment that it seeks i.e. a warm moist place. Sure it is not as expected as if you had actual intercourse, but there is still that providence. Is it something you are really willing to risk that would change your go forever?.
First of all getting pregnant by genital rubbing is very VERY unlikely. you read right! :)

Secondly, it is so regular for us women to get vaginal discharge either after sex, earlier or after our menstrual cycle so don't worry! Some one wrote below that you can use a panty liner which you can! I'd rather wear one of those after get the goo all over my underwear! Don't verbs though its all normal!! :).
The clear stuff from your vagina is probably discharge. Every woman have it, and it differs to how much,to what color, to the smell, etc, at the different parts of your cycle.

Hope this helped :)
that is totally mundane, its probably ovulation, a panty liner would help if it bothers you. you should look into it though with a gyno if you are really conserned... surrounded by my own totally not professional opion, its fine.. its called vaginal discharge, you can google it for more info, different colors means different stages within your cycle, if its clear and gooeyish your probably most fertile then..
That's just discharge. It's your vagina's track of keeping your body clean i get that around the time i'm ovulating. and i pee A LOT the week until that time "aunt flo" shows up.

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