Can my girlfriend be pregnant?

ok on saturday i fingered my girlfriend and i dont know if i got any cu* on my hand we be really worring could she be pregnant.she has the symptoms of her period and she can see and consistency it coming but she feels sicker than usual when she gets her length help please!

Answers:    no not unless u came inside of her...
when the heavens hits the sperm it dies...
and if she "sees" it coming doesnt it mean she has her time of year?
Anytime there is sperm near the vagina first night, there is the chance that pregnancy occur. Sperm can live outside the body for hours and the vagina is usually wet so that sperm can swim easier and find the egg to fertilize.

Every period is different. Although most population have a norm for what it's like, hormone level change and at certain times, the body can transform. There were times when I got my time and felt completely fine but there be also times where I got really sick. You can't make sense of whether someone is pregnant or not on symptoms alone because pregnancy symptoms and pre-menstrual symptoms are very much alike and is usually confused for one or the other. Most of the time, women don't suspect a pregnancy until they had already missed a extent.

The chance of her being pregnant though is unlikely but if she doesn't get hold of her period in a week to a week and a partially, take a home pregnancy test.

Be more practical next time too..
I dont think shes prego its incredibly unusal for that to occur.. your finger dont go as far as a penis thus the sperm wont be in the right spot, and they dont swim that well. so i dont see it up. Wait a week or so and if she doesn't have her period hold a pregnancy test. Her being pregnant from this is a uncompromising long shot though.

And, the two of you are worried about pregnancy stop messing around!.
It's rare, but possible. Get a audition done in a week or so, if she hasn't gotten her period. Take her to a drugstore & buy the Clearblue assured digital test (about $13). She will know in 4 minutes.

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