Why Did Planned Parenthood Treat Me Like a Leper?
My health insurance will NOT cover my pills until I get a laparoscopy. I don't want invasive surgery and would fairly use continuous BCP since they are extremely helpful and I have significantly smaller amount pain.
These pills cost me $70 per month. I thought I could go to PP to carry them cheaper. I went to PP and explained my condition. I explained how I was not sexually alive and I use the pills for my medical condition, not contraception.
They had me fill out miscellaneous forms and on every single form I checked "abstinence" and "no" on the question asking whether I was sexually moving. I explained repeatedly my reason for using the pills.
However, the "clinician" (receptionist that doubles as a clinician) repeatedly insinuated that I was lying by maxim things like "Hey do you want to buy some condoms? We have them 10 for a dollar?" and "We necessitate to get you on these pills so you don't get pregnant." She said these things in recent times after I was done explaining.
When I had a pap done, the nurse said "Yes we obligation to do a pap. Yeah let's see, you've been sexually active for four years in a minute." (I first had sex at age 17 but I quit having sex at age 18 after decide I am not emotionally ready to have sex. I own not had sex since age 18.
Why are they so disrespectful? Also, I asked to get my complete directory so I could see what they wrote about me, and the clinician (receptionist that calls herself a clinician) explained that their policy is to individual release "pertinent information", what she referred to as abnormal test results. They don't even follow HIPAA. After I explained that their organization needs to follow HIPAA and give me a copy of my ENTIRE folder, she shut up and agreed to copy my entire file.
I am going there to receive my records tomorrow. Should I ask to speak with a clinician as to whether I should verbs to get BCP there? They are insulting my intelligence by repeatedly making reference to avoiding pregnancy. They also assumed I was a moron by thinking they could get away beside only give me my uncharacteristic results. I have no abnormal results, so they would enjoy given me nothing.
Should I talk beside them? Also, the clinician went on and on talking around birth control pills and how they are safe and she said "Yes they are actually used to treat abundant medical conditions like Endometriosis." She said it to me as if I was not aware of that, and adjectives along I had been describing her that I use it for Endometriosis.
I don't appreciate being treated like a child. I don't approaching being told to take my pills so I don't find pregnant. I should be told to take my pills so I don't start bleeding and have severe aching.
Should I talk to them? Why do they think they can insult my intelligence and my medical conditions? I wouldn't be paying $70 per month if I be using it for an unnecessary purpose (contraception.) I use it so I can have a decent energy! Before I was on BCP, I missed a ton of work and school. I involve to save money because I start law university in 15 months and the schools I am looking at cost $38,000 per year.
Answers: Sorry you be treated that way. Talk to her supervisor and if you want, report their lousy service to a higher authority. The reality that it's a non-profit organization and they're probably sick of seeing young kids near unwanted pregnancies, gives them no right to judge or treat everyone close to they're ignorants. Stand your ground, get those copies (which you already know by law you enjoy all access to) and report her. I'm sorry you have to budge through that. Sometimes I question our system in this country. .
i would bargain to her supervisor. doctor.
Kay, Latrice Lacy,
Just like you want top of the line instruction and are willing to pay 38,000 a year (more than the average american make in a year)
You want top of the line watchfulness but want to pay $22 a month? For an additional $50 you catch your top of the line care for smaller amount than $900 a year.
I'm sorry I'm sick of your complaining on here for the past 2 months under different profiles. bite the bullet and pay envelope the $70 or bite the bad service and pay $22 a month Or settle for some pill that you own no info on or if it will even help with your medical condition purely bc walmart has it for $9. .
first of all i cant believe they would do something close to that.
when you go in tomorow ask to speak to the manager and tell them the problem and how the clinican have insulted you. she should be fired for that. they arnt allowed to judge or insult costumers like that. thats horrible. I'd enunciate go over her head and bargain to her supervisor, better yet a doctor if one happens to be around. I'm sorry you be treated that way.
Make sure they give you a copy of your ENTIRE folder and didn't hold anything back.