Can a doctor "legally" deny you a Hysterectomy because of your age?

My daughter in law have several "Ovarian Cyst" ( one is 7cm in diameter) and she has "Andramesotrous",(don't know how to spell it, but it's when the facing of the Uterus is coming out) she's 27 and has one child already and does NOT want any more. The doctors say she requirements a hysterectomy but refuse to give her one because of her age, lately in case she requirements another child,saying she needs to be elder (mid-30's). The pain is so horrific that she is in the ER at most minuscule twice a week.
Can a doctor legally deny a persedure that they themselves say she requests but because of her age won't do? Can they be held in some form of "Mal-pratice" by allowing her to live in such discomfort and termoil?

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I opted for a hysterectomy at the age of 27 for much less difficulties than what you own described. However, there was nil wrong with my ovaries so they were not here. But due to adhesions and chronic pain during ovulation, I have them removed less than 10 years later.

She simply requirements a second opinion or as I always read out about doctors...


Hope I've helped a moment or two. :o)

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It's endometriosis (pronounced endo-me-tree-osis). It's when tissue grows outside of the uterus (like the fallopian tubes or abdominal cavity for example). When the period cramps come on then they are not a moment ago felt in the lower pay for like normal but where the extra tissue has migrated to. The hormones act on it adjectives and make all of the areas it is found rough. I woulld recommend that she get a second and maybe even third belief if necessary. No one should have to live near that kind of pain!

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She wishes to find a new doctor! If she has a child already, her husband is most probable willing to sign agreement for the procedure and the doctors say she desires one- then what is the problem? They may be doing this on ethical grounds more than legal ones. But if she is asking for the hysterectomy because of her form issues and the pain she is in- which is not fixable- then by adjectives means they should comply.

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No, a Dr. CANNOT deny her this procedure because of her age. If she is sure she doesn't want another child, and the Dr. says she requirements one, it needs to be done. Not having it will head to worse problems in the near adjectives. Get her records from this Dr. and get a 2nd belief. Some Dr.s have surpassed their malpractice insurance, and cannot be sued. I had this problem near a former Dr. of mine. You can however, report this Dr. to the AMA, and spread the word.

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I would think that a doctor can legally shun to perform any procedure. In your relatives case, though, it make no sense because I doubt that she could reproduce in her present condition anyway. My wife had like peas in a pod condition two years ago and we both know about the intense pain. Your daughter-in-law requirements to see another doctor - now. Good luck.

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A doctor can "legally" decline to do any procedure unless it is an immediate life span or death situation. You should find another doctor who is more sympathetic to your situation. I am certain you wont own too much trouble finding a doctor that is willing to do the procedure.

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Well presently you can say you have two daughter within Laws with the sma type of problem they wouldnt takemine out when I had the twins in a minute that my body is doing the same things almost they still wont take it out because of my age! bid you later tho withb what their now motto

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I think you might have some permitted ground to stand on, but only if you can find a Dr. who says the OVH should enjoy been done.
Note, I'm not a lawyer.

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they cant do that my mom get one when she was 25-26 and is now 33 almost 34!

Why do some nation voice...?Medical/health professionals especially please clarify for me?

Well, you may eventually locate a doctor who will agree to do the hysterectomy, but I'm beside the doctor on this one. Let's try different methods first... if both fail, then turn for the hysterectomy.

Ovarian cysts and other uterine problems develop due to either hormone imbalance or structure inequality with the pelvis which makes sense since have a child can certainly disturb the pelvis and also change hormone level. Try acupuncture which has a good nouns rate for hormone balance and also good for dull pain management. If that doesn't work out, I also recommend chiropractors who are trained in Gonstead method.

Good luck

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