As my wife mc have starts on 21.04.08, wht is the safer intercourse date?

previous month it starts on 24.03.08


Ovulation usually occurs around the middle of your cycle, so for example if you have a 28 sunshine cycle ovulation occurs somewhere around the 14th day. As the egg is one and only viable for 24 hours, sperm can live for up to 3 days once ejaculated. There have be cases of sperm living up to 10 days. This means that the best time to get pregnant is 3 days previously ovulation, and for 24 hours after. Even if you have a regular cycle, the day of ovulation can change, and though rare, some women can ovulate more than once during a cycle. Generally, there is no completely locked time that you can't get pregnant. So if pregnancy is not wanted, contraception should be used.

I whip Adderall RX, which make me lose my appetite, would getting on birth control sustain me regain it?

She should track her ovulation date on a calendar and see when she is most fertile if you're trying to conceive. If your not trying to conceive and you don't want pregnancy to happen; use a condom and have her track her ovulation date and see when she is least fertile and that'd be a safer and there's a much much less prospect of getting pregnant while your least fertile. When you are most likely to grasp pregnant is 14 days after the last day of her time of year, if she has a normal cycle of 28 days, any other time besides those 4 days she is least likely to attain pregnant. Good luck.

Is this lately puberty??

To make it simple- her ovulation will be on 5th of May + or - one day. ie- between 4th and 6th May. As the sperm survive for 3 days and ovum survives 1 morning,1st May to 7th May will be most suitable for fertility. Conversely, before1st May and then after 7th May, will be safe if you want to avoid pregnancy. BUT, you can never be sure, at hand is always a risk. I would use condoms at least 2 days beforehand and after the risk period. And will always be prepared to adopt pregnancy, if going anytime for unprotected intercourse (without condoms).
Hope it helped.

Birth Control?

The four day pane when you ovulate (when u can get pregnant) is 14 days after the last time of your period, thats if she has a ordinary cycle of 28 days. So any day besides those four days.

What should I use for protection at darkness? (pads, tampons etc.)?

It appears MC of ur wife is almost regular, as such safe extent starts from 16.05.08

What benevolent of doctor should i see?

up to 28.04.08 is the safe period

Weird grill but am so curious?

Question for women?
FOR GIRLS - when did you grow the most during lofty arts school?
How long??
  • Do you know a immature woman or any woman that have it?
  • Its simply a poll.?

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