(very personal vagina question) Has anyone else experienced this and or no what it could be?

Ever since I gave birth to my 3rd child I have notice this huge mass that pokes out of my vagina after having a bowl movement or sometimes coughing (anything that applys pressure down there).I had go to the E.R about this after having her and the doctor said it wasnt within anymore so he wouldnt do anything about it...(this is because it does go put a bet on down/away after awhile) and I have also had another tot since then and am pregnant again with my 5th.But, this really creeps me out and it seem like it's getting bigger now..I can quality it sticking out of me bad and when I looked in the mirror at it,it looked really huge and gross..
Has anyone else experienced this and or no what it could be?
Is it average for that to happen?
(I mean if its in recent times my inside skin of my vagina?)
I know this is really gross so im sorry for all the info but,I really want to know what this is.

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omg,ur doctor is incompetant-u are experiencing UTERINE PROLAPSE.(look it up on the net).its normal,and can transpire to anyone who has had children,alarming but thankfully not serious.please find another dr and tell them u suspect uterine prolapse and describe ur symptoms .it can be cured next to a simple surgical procedure.good luck!

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Definately sounds like a prolapse. It happen when the muscles holding the uterus in place weaken. This can evolve after having multiple pregnancies, or having massive babies.
The uterus can actually fall outside the vagina within severe cases. Treatment is to stitch it back in place or own a hysterectomy,
If you are pregnant again, the Dr should be able to tell. Next appointment bring it checked out.

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I am not a doctor or a nurse so i can't give you any medical information, but it sounds like a sort of prolapsed something, or a sympathetic of hernia. Since you say that you first noticed it after giving birth, and also surface it and see it after passing a bowel movement, it obviously have something to do with straining. You really should go backbone to your doctor, or see a gynaecologist. Don't be afraid, and don't let anyone brush you off any. You have a right to be seen to properly.

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I enjoy it to.It's no big deal,Mine I notice it when I shift pea or poo or anything that puts pressure down thier.I'm pretty sure that all wamen have iit I judge after birth,not positive though,Mines not that sevier although you may just be freaking out about.It gos put money on to normal after you stand up though right?Mine does but I do know what you're talking more or less.

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your woman insides could be coming loose and falling down. it happens all the time contained by dogs. they go in, give somebody a lift them out, and put them back in. they sew them where on earth they're supposed to be. could be from having children. women's bodies handle have multiple children differently.

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I've never heard of it or had it earlier but I am almost positive you could get it surgically removed after you have your child. After you hold your child, go to your gynecologist when the mass is there so they can see it and believe you. Good luck & congratulations on your child!

Er, abet me (got rather a few question, any warning will be appreciated Sensitive.)?

Sounds similar to vaginal prolapse. This usually happens when a woman has plentifully of kids. Next time it does that, go to the doc. They will most likely enjoy to stitch it back into place. This is easily prevented by exercise, kegels, taking guardianship of your body, and not having a bunch of kids.

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Could it be your uterus that is descending because of a chunky birth? I have delieved three sons and never experienced anything similar, I don't think it is usual!

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I think you really need to see a gynocologist..Never hear of your condition..but I think child birth caused one of your internal womanly organs to descend.

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A lady I worked with have this happen. They removed her cervix and perhaps some other organs because she be done having kids anyways. Problem gone. Of course I'm sure there be other options for her.

What is the likelihood?

its your cervix because the muscles have be weakened by having the kid. Pelvic Floor exercises should help.

As a feminine is it ordinary for you vagina to verbs itself everyday?


I havent have my interval for six weeks immediately. What do i do?

Ask your doctor. Its probably okay but ask a doctor.

What is everyday discharge?

I have never have this or know anyone who has, but I would first start with your gynocologist. They will examine you and see what is scheduled.
Good lcuk


Go to a reputable female GYNO doctor and voice you concerns in personage and get yourself checked out soon

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Please see your gynecologist. He will know what the diagnosis is.

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I would really try to go carry a second opinion! Maybe a specialist. I understand individual scared!!

Personal Question About Down There?

Sounds like a prolapse.you might want to carry it checked out, but it shouldn't be serious.

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Thank GOD I was eating lunch while reading your query.it didn't seem to alarm the ER doctor, but why not get a second judgment this time maybe from a female doctor's point of attitude and a third opinion might be warranted as capably after all it is your vagina and you should make sure it is as full-bodied and pleasant looking as possible.

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It could be hemorrhoids but idk. I would at least take a picture of it that track you will have documentation of it and then kind an appmt. for your Dr.

I have need of birth control?

sounds like vaginal hemorrhoids

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its cancer.
sorry about your luck.

Hey guys, I am 20 years infirm. I am sexually stirring. I've be have brown discharge.?

thats gross.

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