As a feminine is it ordinary for you vagina to verbs itself everyday?

im 15 and everyday in school when i shift to the bathroom theres always this milky colored discharge in my panties. I dont similar to it because then sometimes it smells and i become uncomfortable surrounded by front of my boyfriend ( we dont have sex ).and also it dries up in my underwear as a stain. but is this ordinary to happen everyday? if so, is there something i can do to stop it.

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run of the mill discarge is clear with your normal scent. milky discharge near foul odor is a sign of infection.

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It's really normal. Some discharge more than others. As long as you don't smell fishy down there, consequently you are okay. I would suggest trimming your pubic hair if you do get closely of discharge. It won't make the discharge go away, but you will perceive cleaner without the discharge stuck on your hair.

I hear on a sex talk show that the smell your vagina lets out next to the discharge is like an afredegiac. Okay not sure if I have this spelled correctly. Not sure it's true or not because sometimes I'm not too cool next to the smell myself. ewhh.

Hey girls?

TOTALLY normal. Just a quick bit of suggestion: DO NOT DOUCHE! That will just make you acquire yeast infections. Some uneducated person will achieve on here and tell you to do that, but don't. It washes away the perfect bacteria.

My first term...?

It's discharge and every girl gets it. There's nil you can do to stop it. You could wear pantyliners to protect your panties from getting crusty.

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