I am really sorry if this sounds?

um okay, here is the problem

the pink part of my vagina on one side is much more swollen then on the other side, its greatly bigger...is this normal?

please dont suggest a genocologist that is not helping



did this develop all of a sudden or has other been like that?
if its other been like that, thats only you huni and its normal. we're not all even down within, women actually have operation cause they think you should be small and tidy when its not the norm.
if its happen all of a sudden, i'm sorry, but i would suggest the doctor just so your within no danger.
if you've always be that way, its perfectly mundane for you then, i would not worry in the order of it.
some women(very few) are born without a cervix(which is the area the penis go into) so being a bit bigger on one side is not a major verbs, and if you dont like it, at a later stage of your go you can get it fixed, although myself, i would advise against it as every those difference make them who they are (imo)

What are labias ?

IT happens. You could be have an episode of vulvitis - inflammation of the vaginal lips. It's possible to have one side swollen and not the other. A lot of times it's accompany by a yeast infection. It will go back down on it's own. Have a yogurt a time for the next few days just within case you're on the verge of a yeast infection. Do not douche and don't aggressively rub down here. If you have any pain or a worsening of symptoms, see your doctor or ob/gyn.

What is your breast size? Are you bright and breezy next to them or would you cash them?

It could be an infection, it could be if you bruised yourself somehow. See if it get better in a few days. If it doesn't, then yes, you should see a doctor. Most women dance for gyn visits once a year..it's a good notion to start doing this.

My term slow 3 days against beore month, why ?

no that is not normal. budge to the doctors.you dont know what it could be and you can save yourself a lot of verbs.

Yeast infection?

u cant just give info close to that. have you been moving or what happened that could have cause it?

by the way GO TO A DOCTOR IF YOU CARE ABOUT YOUR BODY dont be so damn ignorant

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