Am I middle-of-the-road?

Ok, I'm just putting it out there because I want to know if I simply worry too much, or if many women be aware of this way. I'm 24, I don't want children for about another 4-5 years. However, I really, really want them, when I'm set. So, I can't help being so anxious that I'll never be able to. I've always a moment ago had that 'feeling' that I'll never be able to hold children-that my body just can't get pregnant. I've other protected myself, but part of me feels close to, 'why hasn't there been an catastrophe?' Anyway, is this weird? I mean, I've never tried getting pregnant earlier, not trying now, and have intensely regular periods-so I know technically I shouldn't worry. Just wondering if I may have a sense and be right, or is this only just a common worry. Thanks!

Does the firmness of your breast disappear after making a kid?

There is no concrete way to tell for sure. There are some things that you can't see that can mete out you not to be able to get pregnant such as a tube man blocked or something. I wouldn't worry about it until the time get here but you could always have some hormone test ran at your gyno to see if your female hormones such as progesteone, and estrogen and LH hormones are suspended. I have Poly cystic ovarian disease which I have have since I was 13 and started as hair on my chin, and irregular menstral cycles. I other had concerns like yours but as a youngster when I would go months without a length for no apparent reason. Doctors said that be normal for my age and ignored it. I be diagnosed in my 20's and I am now 30.

I wouldn't verbs unless you have irregular cycles...

Can you miss your term while on the Pill?

Well you certainly are at the right age to hold a child and will be for the next 10 years. My fiancee and I are planning on having 4-6 kids starting after we catch married in the fall of 2009. So we incontestably know what you are going through because we both want children and wonder if we will be able to have them. What have been suggested to us is to get regular physicals (go contained by every 6 months as opposed to once a year) * UNLESS * your insurance doesn't cover it or your doctors don't recommend it. I would also recommend living a healthy time with diet and exercise. I am sure that within 5 years both you and my fiancee both will own several healthy and beautiful babies! Good luck! :)

Bye Bye Birth Control? Weight Loss?

Some relations believe that too much stress may interfere with the females bodies to conceive, so my advice? Quit worrying going on for stupid stuff. Your 24 years old, you have no clue if your infertile (which you are most probable not) so call your friends, go see a movie or something, own a beer and chill out. The real answer is, you'll never know until you try and since your doing the smart thing and waiting for a while bit, that leaves you with 4-5 years of worry free time.

Do you find sometimes that your?

You are especially normal. People put too much importnace on wether they should have children or when. If you're truly concerned that it's a physical problem, a stop by to your gynecologist would be a good idea. Tell him more or less your feelings and worries. A thorough check up should relieve some of your anxiety.

Gyno exam cross-question?

yes you are normal, abundantly of women feel this way i'm sure. I know that some days I quality like this myself, So you know what..I wouldn't worry around it. :]

Is Mastur*bating impossible for your robustness?

Lets do a years experiment to find out..
All you gotta do is just lay there for 23 second a time.
Whaddaya say..?

Birth control pills and period?

Tampon string broke?
What would appear if.?
I inevitability sustain?
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  • Morning after pill?

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