Are breast implant repugnant on girls aged 18?

hey ive always been a fit muscley girl but have no **** to speak of. so ive waited years to turn 18 so i can get breast implant. what do you think of the idea?

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It's gluey. Natural is more in fashion. Plus, you should hang about because you could still grow. Have you tried Birth Control. That makes them bigger.

Watch MTV's True Life "Breast Augmentation". It's really scarey what can actually begin to your body from it.

Swollen cervix? Ladies please (unless your a guy who's wife, g.f. have this)?

I've heard many cases where on earth breast implants made girls more confident and happy, but if your decent/just alittle on the small side. And it doesn't drive you insane I would read out to not do it.. Many girls have a reaction to it and they return with hard and it's gross sometimes. :P Do what your comfortable with. <3

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At eighteen your body is still developing. I used to want implant when I was a teen too. Wait it out, think nearly the possible ramifications, and learn to love yourself for who you are. :) In the noble scheme of things, boob size does NOT matter.

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You should never seize breast implants for cosmetic reasons. Sure they may look "decent" at our ages, but when you capture older and into your 40's, everything will be saggy except your breasts. It will look faker than it does when you first get them.

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I detestation the idea. It depresses me to no end. What a idle away of a beautiful body.

Any degrading extent stories?


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How sheltered is "breast gain plus" for breast fortification? are here side effects? is it instinctive?
Are alot of women self conscoius something like their breasts?
EPT's anyone??
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