Are alot of women self conscoius roughly speaking their breasts?

I have had guys look at my boobs alot and form comments and I know I should take it as a compliment but for some reason it make me feel uncomfortable and strange.

It's gotten to the point where on earth now I am self conscious of them. Fear them being looked at alot.
I also be sexually abused by my brother and this doesn't help.

Does anyone else have this problem?

Any tips on how to manipulate this problem?

Why do i bring back it lately me??

first of all you are not alone, . you need to become more comfortable next to who you are and wear outfits that you know you look good in to boost your confidence and anything they say has to be honourable but you can also just dress modestly but it really is a compliment... the grass always looks greener on the other side, within is girls that have little boobs and guys make indicate reamarks about them and they wish they be in your position

To self conscience?

Because you have be sexually abused, things are going to be more difficult for you to cope with. however, that does not mean at hand isn't something you can do about it.

When it comes to the comments, it depends simply on what kind of comments they are. Are they derogatory, or are they compliments?

I used to hold the same problem, I have DD's and you of late have to get used to folks looking at your boobs. you are just going to have to adopt what people say. you don't hold to listen to them though. try disregarding the statements.

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i ahve been to but im nto self cousiose the reaosn is i liek ym boobs :) i have to live beside them anyway btu maybe you should try being smaller number self cousciose and if it helps dont wear low cut shirts bc then noone will really look :)

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Well I would ruminate it was rude if some one (unless they were similar to a friend or something) said anything about my breasts!!

Please comfort! Am I everyday!?

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