Anal bleeding...?

After my husband and I had anal sex I noticed I have a little blood coming out of my rectum. It doesn't hurt at all, but it simply scared me...Is it normal? Is it ok? Am I going to die!

Why does it still hurt? Is it majority?

No, this bleeding is not typical. It can be an indication of something like hemorrhoids (something that can occur such as when near is straining when trying to have a bowel movement) but this is just an example individual. I would recommend seeing your doctor for further evaluation of the situation to see what they think could be going on.

This didn't hurt is that conventional? GIRLS ONLY PLEASE!?

Probably you guys got a moment or two too rough and some capillary vessels were torn. This happen when not enough lubricant is used. Just ensure you prepare yourself before foot to prevent this from happening.

The key is preparation:

First entity is to empty the colon. Use an enema at least 30 minutes BEFORE access. If you don't empty the colon you will experience pain and enjoy a risk for rupture/lacerations of the colon or anus tearing. Just for illustration, fill a sock to the top beside newspapers; now try to put your fist IN the sock to the toes... highly hard to do. Now empty the sock and try to put your mitt in. very confident with minimal expansion of the sock, If you use the enema your colon would not be stretched that much once you get the feces out of the course.

Two. LUBE, you can never have too much lube. Use a water base lube. DO NOT use Petroleum based lubricants or lotions such as baby grease or petroleum jelly. Go to an adult store or pharmacy, they have wet based personal lubricants that will work fine. Have him apply it inside your anus with his fingers, extremely slowly. This will do two things, lubricate you and assist with relaxing the sphincter. Have him use one or two fingers for at least five minutes while he go down on you or caress your body... just ensure he help on relaxing your anus muscles.

Three take it easy and own him agree that when you say stop it means stop. You must control speed and depth of permeation or rhythm of encounter. For the first penetration try to push a little as if have a bowel movement, this will assist on relaxing the anus and ease penetration. He will soak up if you tighten your anus after he penetrates.

I recommend he use a condom to prevent infections. After you finish ensure you both wash up very ably. NEVER go from anal to vaginal sex without wash. This would be VERY DANGEROUS for you.

If you are concerned about STD's just ensure you hold a clean partner.

Take it easy and own fun.

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Most likely, you have an internal hemorrhoid. These are the form that usually don't hurt. Most people at some point in their enthusiasm will get them. (Especially here in the Western world where on earth we don't eat the best foods.)

If the blood was bright red, that's probably my guess. If it be dark, you may have a more serious issue and I would recommend seeing a doctor without hesitation.

The other possibility is a fissure which is a tear in the inner bin liner of the rectum but these are normally very stinging.

You may wish to seek the warning of a colon and rectal surgeon or gastroenterologist. But if you choose not to, eat lots of fiber and drink plenty of water and it may shift away on its own.

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