Am I pregnant?


I a moment ago lose control when im within like room i shoulda know?

how would we know?
Take a test

How can i stop my vagina from itching?

Well...are you showing any signs? tender, sensitive breasts, missed period, bloated or full sensation in the uterine area, sore or cramping, swollen or fuller feeling breast, nausea, headaches, heightened sensitivity to smells, increased fatigue.

There are several signs of rash can read more about them at several different pregnancy sites on the web.

When within doubt pee on a stick.a home pregnancy test is quick and confident, relatively inexpensive and can give you a much better idea than asking a a bit obscure question on womenanswers.orgs.

I hope you receive the answer you want.

What does it have it in mind for my ob doctor to transmit me that they are concerned going on for the protein contained by my urine?

Is your stomach growing?
Have you missed your period once or more?
Did you have unprotected sex or did the condom break?
Did your pregnancy oral exam result come back positive?
Do you have morning sickness, any or adjectives of the symptoms of pregnancy?

If you answered "yes" to one or more of these questions, then YES, you drastically possibly could be pregnant.

Any tips on how to stop anyone Lazy?

get a test and find out lol

if you hold had unprotected sex, then possibly yes.

If you hold used cont5raception, then still remotely possibly yes.

If you have never have sex, then no, unless your name is mary, contained by which case you will have a best selling new-fangled written about you, and you will be followed by many pilgrims for various many years to come.

Do birth control pills (specifically Yaz) affect your fitness to own a child subsequent within energy?

Are you female? Are you of childbearing age? Are you sexually involved? Have you missed a period? Have you nothing better to do that ask totally pointless question?

This is embarassing but I have to ask?

Did a male ejaculate in your vagina? Then you might be.

EDIT.. Why would someone provide me a thumbs down? It was a stupid question and I answered it honestly, sorry if you have an idea that babies come from storks.

I'm reasonably small...but my thighs "jiggle"?

It depends on what signs and feelings your having. To answer a interview like this, I would need a bit more information.

Why does the top of my tummy be aware of sturdy?

Yes. Congratulations.

Can you see the gyno underneath the age of 18?


thats hilarious.

Period cross-question! please minister to?

Well if you had unprotected sex possibly.
But if you never have sex than no.

When Do Breasts Stop Growing ??

well if you did it with a MAN and similar to without protection then my guess migh be yes. but i'm not psycic so turn buy a test! silly head...

Girls Question??

Are you? What's going on beside you? Symptoms? I'm not very Psychic.

My gf have white stuff coming outa her departed nipple?


idk you'll knwo in 9 months if a infant pops outta ya

Girls please support roughly speaking the yaz birth control pill?

you are the only one who knows the answer

What is this?

I dont know honey

Did the check say so!

Stopped Taking My Birth Control- HELP! IM CONCERNED!-?

yeah you could be pregnant as well as everyone else here. we obligation more info were not psychic. but let us know when u find out.

Does a time hurt and when do i know that it will come do i hold to be a constant shipment?

No. You are too childish because you are bored and asking

stupid questions :D

Have a nice life.


The doctor prescribed me Buspar (Buspirone). Do you know anything nearly it?

The artifice 8 ball says "NOT".

Vaginal burning after sex, what's going on?

yes, and your going to die of aids

What's the contract beside TSS?

how the **** do I know

I'm like a cat on hot bricks. Can someone relief unruffled my nerves?

Hi, I dont know are you?

Fast, assured ways too obtain rid of blackheads!?


Possible infection?

ugh.. we have need of details!
I'm not psychic u know...

Am i going through menapause?

maybe, maybe not

I have ovulation at 8th hours of daylight from firth year of my cycle.?own regullar cycle, 28 morning?

yh babe

Best gynaecologist within chicago?


Question just about peeing... lol.?

You could be,


my crystal ball is saying... yes CONGRATS

Im a 42j and im solitary 13 !! Talk roughly small !?

wanna be?

My friends is to startle to ask anyone esle but can you obtain prego this means of access??

my crystal bubble says that you are!

Just curious. plz answer?

Yes. Am I?

Only 14 and Have a Swollen Foot for 6 years!!?

Ok sex/period support!!?
Birthcontrol cross-question!?
Nuvaring and period?
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