Am I overweight?

My measurements are

Bust- 34 in.
Waist- 27 in.
Hips- 36.5 within.
Thighs- 23.5 in.

I weigh 139 lbs. and my BMI is 22. Am I overweight? If so, how much do I need to lose and what is the best mode to do so? I really want to look attractive and be healthy.

I am almost 18 and 5'7".

Please do honest, but not cruel about it.

Oh, I lone drink water, and exercise atleast 30-40 mins. a day.

I am bleeding twice a month, and it is intensely cumbersome. also, when i enjoy sex it hurts and i bleed right after.?

no Your newly fine! Your daily regiman looks good too. Its devout to see your taking care of yourself. Too many general public don't care anymore and thats what leads to corpulence. As long as you are aware of your body, without obsessing, I devise you'll be great.

For a physical, do tey check if you hold excess body pelt?

Boost up your workout. Drink lots of water and only drink healthy. You will not only look better you will surface better as well.
DO NOT STARVE! If you do not eat your metabolism get messed up and your body starts storing fat instead of using/burning it.
Eat atleast 4-5 times a day, but get through healthy. (Vegies, white meat).

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You are definetly not overweight. You have to be over a quantity of 25 to be overweight on the bmi calculator, so you are normal for your height and shipment. My bmi says i am at a normal counterweight and my waist is 30 inches, so I think you are in great shape! lol.

Having sex for the first time?

stop person so hard on yourself. you are probably healthy, it is staying nutritious that takes discipline and hard work.

check out the association below to see if you are overweight.

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no, not at all. sounds like you are unbelievably healthy. but the real grill should be, are you happy with the track you are, and if not, what do you need to do to convert that.

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You are perfect the way you are (im individual serious) your weight is great for your age and height. Don't be too passionate over it, everyone is different!
Isn't that great? I'd hate to look like someone else

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You are not overweight, according to your BMI. You are a exceedingly healthy weight.

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You are in a minute perfectly normal and appropriate weightiness. Carry on your routine exercise to maintain you weight ;)

I own a Pap tryout this afternoon and I enjoy a really unyielding time next to them. What can I do or ask the Dr. to do?

Keep doing what your doing. Make sure you run special notice of any improvements you notice within yourself.

I have unprotected sex 3 months ago... till in a minute i be getting my time but i have a spot contained by between my second 1?

You are not overweight! You are at a very healthy immensity, so don't worry bout it!

I quality really small = [ am i?

nope if you were overweight after your BMI would be over 25 :)

First length assist!!?

your BMI is a little high, you are not overweight, just need to tone up a short time.

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check the bmi chart.

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NOO!! but wait what is a BMI

I grasp my interval every 2 weeks. am i usual?

Nope your not ..

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Your fine

Why does it develop?

nope your at a graet weight

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