First term backing!!?

well i just get my first period on march 23. it be brown and a huge spot. i had horrible cramps and all. adjectives the next week. [[that was a saturday]] i get little brown spots occasionally. now its april 17. i have be getting horrible cramps and headaches like previously. im moody like before. and i get another nose bleed last week resembling before [[i got three nosebleeds for the first time contained by my whole life right formerly my period]] i found some little tiny pink spots in my undies yesterday. today its been mostly white discharge and consequently some brown. is my period starting up again?

Is it ordinary to bring dizzy in the past your time of year?

if its your first period; plainly its going to be out of control until you get elder. im 16 and its still acting funny. if you feel uncomfortable asking your mother going on for whats going on. try this site called; simple to use and you dont need to sign up for anything; only look around. if your cramps are way out of control bring some pain killers next to ibuprofen and lay down and rest. if you feel as if its not normal at adjectives and your having a tough time dealing with it; turn to your mom right away and tell her whats going on.

good luck !

9 days unpaid, cramping for 2 1/2 weeks and pinkish discharge. could i be pregnant?

Yeah your peroid is most proberly staring up again. When you first start your period will be irregular but after a while you will fall into a routine and they will come once a month on a set date. Note down the dates so you no when to expect them :) And it sounds approaching you get evan worse perooid pains than me, they are horrible arnt they! Take a paracetimol and hold a hot water bottle to your belly and the twinge will soon go away, well it does for me :)x

What would effect me to bleed every time i own sex if its not rough sex and its not time for my term?

You might not be starting, you may solitary be spotting which is normal. Every girl's period is different. But the white discharge does not nouns very good at adjectives, that is usually a sign of a yeast infection. You might want to ask your doctor if it keeps up or if you have a feeling itchy or it burns down there. Good luck.

My boyfriend get moody when we dont own sex?

ok first of all tolerate me start off saying congradulations u hold now entere puberty. well adjectives women are different i remember when i first started, i was very irregular and merely spotted so like someone said wear pantyliners for a while until it becomes regular but u r gonna enjoy months when u r irregular its just how it is but ull get better and capture used to it GOOD LUCK!

I'm 13 ,feminine ,5,3' and i weigh 130 near a environment frame size. If i dint chomp through 4 a week how much will i lose?

most likely. if the cramps and all are really bothering you that much. I suggest taking an aspirin or an ibuprophen and soaking surrounded by a hot bath or laying down on your rear legs with a heating wipe over your lower stomach. I find that this helps me out a lot. Congrats on becoming a woman.

A boob problem !?

i don't believe so but myne was like that the first time i have myne i was only a couple of months ago it be horrid somtimes it does start back up again but it wont last long
hope it help


A lot of women bodies do not follow the average 28 day cycle when they first get their time of year especially if they're young. However nose bleeds? I hold never heard that one. However the other things are PMS symptoms, especially cramps.

Help girls merely?

ummm you could be starting again or your just starting but when you first start you gonna bo exceptionally irregular so it might come for a day and then move about back away dont be worried about it you willl be ok=]

Dont deduce Im dumb, GIRLS ONLY?

it depends. its probably coming again. but you cant be too sure. a moment ago make sure to wear pantyliners if you think your expecting. (:

Do you ever dry up during sex if it's stable too long or something?

Too Much Info. Just dawdle it out!

Could I start my extent soon?

It sounds like it.

Is near any instrument to PREVENT my breasts from growing/developing?


How long should a girl bleed after have sex for the first time?

Does your extent come after the 1st shot of depo-provera?
This is a complex interrogate remarkably for ladies. My neighbour is a 35 yr infirm woman and is a widow near one?
Is it average to bleed during intercorse the first couple times?
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