Gyno exam press?

I have heard that sometimes gynecological exams terminate in a rectovaginal exam. How common is this? At what age do they start doing this? Should I expect one at my subsequent exam? It sounds uncomfortable. How long does the doctor insert his fingers in here?


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I've been getting annual (and sometimes quarterly after cervical cancer) pelvics & paps for 25 years and I have never once gotten a rectal exam to budge with it.

I think in that will be several things that will play into whether or not you're a candidate:
1. Whether your doctor regularly administers them. And the one and only way to know that is to ask.

2. If you own or have had womanly reproductive issues: ovarian cysts, a family history or reproductive cancers, endometriosis, or if the doctor suspects near might be something going on. Since the only way to palpate the posterior (back) of the uterus and ovaries is through the rectal wall, it may be mandatory.

The fact of the matter is this: your doctor is importantly trained and specialized to treat and recognize health issues. If in that is a reason why he/she feels a rectal exam is mandatory, I say put up with the VERY minor discomfort and unease and just have it done.

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Many doctors make a recto-vaginal exam along with a normal pelvic exam. A doctor inserts a gloved, lubricated finger into the vagina and one into the rectum. He or she will afterwards palpate the abdomen with the other paw.This type of exam allows the doctor to examine and identify abnormalities, especially on the uterus and ovaries more clearly. If you are experiencing rectal or pelvic pain, a recto-vaginal exam may backing to find the source.
A recto-vaginal exam can be a little uncomfortable and should not produce any dull pain. If you feel pain, give an account your doctor. Deep breathing exercises can help relax you. Just like surrounded by a pelvic exam, your muscles need to be relaxed.

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When you go to a pap smear it is somewhat self-conscious, but its completely normal, and evey girl does it!! They will insert a thing contained by you to basically hold you open..which does not hurt at adjectives...its just a little cold..hehe...they will hold a q-tip looking thing and wipe the inside of your vagina..which you can also hardly discern, and thats basically it!! They will do a breast exam also! No girl loves going to the gyno, but its just constituent of everyday life! After you go that one time, you will be more used to it!
Good luck! are supposed to start going as soon as you start your interval or a little after!


I'm not sure about age, but mine started doing the rectal at the finish of my yearlies three years ago (I'm 45).
It takes only a couple of second for his/her finger and to get a sample. It's not humiliated if you're relaxed.

Call your Gyn and ask.

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My doctor told me that it is not necessary until you are sexually active.

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i am contained by my early 30s and have never, ever have a rectovaginal exam. Not even on my very first gyn exam.

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yes every girl should go for gynae check

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