After have sex, it burns really desperate when I own pee and later here is some pale spotting.

There's a possibility that I may be pregnant because my period was due yesterday and I didn't go and get it. It normally comes on time, too. I thought I have gotten it yesterday when there was a bit of spotting, but come to find out it wasn't because I typically have a heavy flow and afterwards there was nought. The pain subsided later on surrounded by the day when I went pee, but after my boyfriend and I have sex again this morning, it started to burn again when I pee. I'm also peeing like once an hour now. Help!

Answers:    Try not to believe about this too much it will delay your spell, but all that burning feeling is probably adjectives that thrusting you guys are doing or you could have gotten alittle infection. But you should get checked out anyway newly to be safe, but I can only stir by what you are saying it sounds like you might not be pregnant, believe me you will know when you are, your body will consent to you knowl. Good Luck!.
You may be paranoid. Give yourself a few days, and if you don't have a period, bring a pregnancy test, and if you are pregnant, see a doctor. Sounds to me like a bladder infection. yeahhh see a doctor. And wise during sex.. you can pass on the UTI.
your bf penis was probally dirty so close to you could have got a bladder infection if you used unprotected sex. UTI?.
you might hold a bladder infection. i would go consult a doctor just to see what's up. Go see a doctor. They will give a hand you.

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