I've have sex earlier short headache so why does it hurt so much this time round?

About a month ago I started having sex next to my new partner. He is singular the second guy I have slept beside and I hadn't been sexually alive for about a year and a partially before consequently. Every single time has be painful beside my new partner and infiltration has not be easy. Twice we enjoy even had to furnish up because it just wasn't working out. Using lube have helped but I in recent times want it to be easy and cramp free. My partner says I'm too taut but I try to relax as much as possible. What am I doing wrong and what can i do to rectify it? I constantly feel sore down in that now and it is disheartening as i'm completely contained by love with my man and newly want it to be perfect.

Answers:    Here are some reason why women experience pain during sexual intercourse:

Vaginal Irritation -

can be cause by contraceptive foams, creams, or jellies; allergic reactions to condoms, diaphragms, or latex gloves; vaginal deodorant sprays;
aromatic tampons; deodorant soaps; or even excessive vaginal douching.

Vaginal Dryness -

inadequate foreplay; hormonal imbalance imbalances; using a condom may sometimes form vaginal intercourse difficult without a lubricant; tentativeness and feeling strung out can also slow down the release of normal vaginal lubrication.

Vaginal Tightness -

Occasionally this happen when you feel emotional, or are not fully relaxed when penetration occur.

Pain of the Clitoris -

The clitoris is the most sensitive part of the womanly genitalia. Gentle touching or rubbing of the clitoris is extremely pleasurable for some women, while for others it is unbearably bloody. Clitoral pain may also come to pass due to poor hygiene; vaginal secretions may collect lower than the clitoral hood and if not cautiously washed away may head to pain.

Pelvic Pain -

due to reflective, thrusting penetration; poor sexual technique; infection of the vagina, vulva, cervix, uterus, or the fallopian tubes; cyst surrounded by the ovary; or tumor in the uterus.

First, try to analyze what is cause the pain. You know your body best. If symptoms keep trying, consult a gynecologist.
Maybe he is bigger than your first partner. i think your partner is right. have said that, it is not unusual for sex to be painful. conceivably try different positions?
Maybe he's right, maybe sub-consiously you are not relaxed?
It could also be a factor of size and position, try a different passageway round to try for a smoother ride maybe you are rushing into infiltration; try half an hour of foreplay. also try a few different positions. some positions flatten and tighten the vagina, making it harder to draw from it in.
also, every time you backfire, it will make you more conscious of failing subsequent time.
try first thing surrounded by the morning when you are going to be more relaxed, too
He is either too big or you are not secrete enough. Lubes don't work nearly as all right. go for foreplay as much as you can do as instinctive lubes are the best lubes and as he is saying you RELAX BABY AND DO IT AGAIN
Try some fore play to carry you in the mood., But his penis I don`t know bigger than you first partner. OR you can ask him to take it for a while slower with the infiltration. It looks you are not mentally prepared to have sex near your partner. So your brain not allowing to have sex by contraction of muscles and no inherent lubricant is produced. Try to be relaxed and go some where on earth out and spend some time with your partner and become nearer to respectively other mentally.
Your partner is right. You're too tense. Take your time. I have an idea that you're not ready to hold sex. Get to know each other better and skulk a while.

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