Girl cross-question!?

for girls who have their length, when u go to da bathroom and afterwards wipe do u see black gooy stuff? i do. wat is it?

Answers:    You know how dried clotted bood on a scab is black...thats adjectives that is. The blood from your term sometimes is extremely dark and can look black. Your spell is not just blood, but the pool liner of your uterus and mucus, so it can clot together and look the way you purely described.
Eww yes. It looks like Jelly.
I other gag everytime I see it.
I'm not sure exactly what it is, but it's normal.
yup thats the linning its pretty everyday its like sticky skin! very common. its just menacing blood.
i dont know sorry
mayb go see a doc or gyn I enjoy honestly never experienced black gooy stuff, i suggest you see your doctor and tell them something like it if your really concerned about it, it could be elder blood (do you change your pad/tampon as regularly as you should?) because its always apposite to be clean and fresh + own showers more if its that time of the month.
It is clots of blood. Gross, I know. I still am grossed out with blood. Sometimes you can black stuff. It's basically an old blood cloth, which turns from red to black. It could also be retained blood from the previous extent. It is something that happens commonly, or if you get fundamentally big clots you have it checked out by your doctor.
i know ! its so gross! G'day, Sparky, OWYAGOIN?.Listen ear me dear, yooov get wot we call somefing by da christen ov "Lars munce gunkee stuff".the eeeeeeziest way to fix this liddle inconvenience is to hand over ya bottom ears a bit more luv an attenshen !.WITH SOAP AND WATER.
It's cheeep n lotsa fun !!
Sooooooo, just for yoo Speshel Sista Sparky...
Wiv much affekshun , a moistery oystery OZZYGOB
senz yoo plenty ov cheeeeeeeeeeeeerz for some cleeeeener bottom eeeeeeeeears !
im pretty sure this is mundane. The Dark red goey stuff is dried blood clots or uterine lining. If you are not sure perchance mention it to your doc next time u are here. Wren L is right! =p
it's just clumps of uteral inside layer that came's merely natural surrounded by the menstrual cycle
its just clotted bood its enormously normal

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