Are femine wash better than douches?

what the best way to be aware of fresh and i think i might own a bacterial infection but i dont have medical insurance, who should i progress see or what should i do to get treatment?

Answers:    Both are doomed to failure! If you have an infection, and use a douche or a bathe, it cause push the infection farther inside you and inflict a more serious problem like PID. I hold had it 2x's and both times sent me to the hospital because of the strain and sever bleeding. Go to a planned parenthood or form dept, it's practically free there for stuff similar to this to get checked out!
You can worsen the infection by douching...see a Dr. for proper thinking... Try a free clinic or a planned parenthood. Douches are not tough and should be avoided esp. if you have an infection because that can push the infection further into your reproductive system.
If you believe you have an infection using those things douches and fem wipe is not a good impression.

Try looking up the closest Planned Parenthood to you. They will give you a sliding clamber price based stale your income.
you can go to an Urgent Care...they cannot turn you down newly becuase you don't have medical insurance.but you will hold to pay for the prescription.Just construct sure if you do need a script you report to your Doctor you are getting it filled at Wal-Mart.They enjoy a large test of antibiotics for $ your doctor will know which one's are covered...hope you feel better oh're not suppose to use them at adjectives...!!
you should be fresh with freshly soap and water, except then I don`t know you do have a vaginal infection.
douches and wash are unnatural and throw off the PH surrounded by your va-jay-jay and are not safe...( bladder infections, pelvic infections etc...)
Washes and douches might label an infection worse. You body has a ordinary ph - and infections can worsen when ph is off.

See a doctor if you are not sure what genus of infection you have. Go to a free STD clinic or Planned Parenthood - they will theory test you for all kind of things.
Douches are actually not well-mannered for you. If you do; use in moderation. Your conversation about bacterial infection, are you discussion about a yeast infection? If so it'd be best to turn see a doctor, but if you absolutely cant afford it dance to wal*mart or your local store's and buy Monistat. I hope i've helped; and the best of luck, i know those suck! Lola said:
"oh're not suppose to use them at adjectives...!!
you should be fresh with basically soap and water, but for then conceivably you do have a vaginal infection.
douches and wash are unnatural and throw off the PH surrounded by your va-jay-jay and are not safe...( bladder infections, pelvic infections etc...)"
7 minutes ago

LOLA...girl you took the words right out of my mouth...My answer to this give somebody the third degree along with what Lola said, which is the TRUE TRUTH.THOSE THINGS ARE NO GOOD AT ALL.They really can make matter worse. Our va-jay-jays are like self cleaning ovens...simply take diligence of the entire out side area in good health with plain soap & hose down. The inside will take trouble of itself :o) Once you visit a Dr and carry what you have going on cleared up try to stay away from them and see how it works out for you (it works for me).possibly go comando and tolerate it breath some...try it at night while you sleep. Start next to your local health dept. to find checked out...If they don't have a clinic they will know where on earth to send you.
As far as wanting freshen up..try some vaginal wipe for the outside can buy them individually wrapped so you can throw one surrounded by your purse:o) You should be able to find them contained by the same nouns as the fem. products.

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