Anyone own LEEP done?

I have to enjoy the LEEP done. My doctor says since its started to spread inside the cervix he have to remove a little bit more than mundane. Then hes going to test the skin to cause sure he got it adjectives. He said theres no problem with infertility next to the first procedure, but if it comes back that i enjoy to have the leep done again, it could make happen infertility. My husband and i are trying to have a babe-in-arms. Thats how i found out about adjectives this precancer stuff i have, i have a miscarriage. Im going to die if i cant have children. Has anyone have this done twice and had a kid afterwards? And what are the chances they dont obtain it all the first time?

Answers:    I've have one but I'm still waiting on my results. No babys. But my Step-mom she had it done twice and she have her first child after the first one and two more healthy boys after the second. Take folic bitter pills don't smoke excersise and eat right and your body usually will alleviate it self. Good luck. I know many women who hold had it done once and have no problem I looked up the percentages and its verry little that you can't enjoy children if anything your cervix will get too soft to hold the newborn but they can put something in nearby to help you. You should not enjoy a problem. God be with you I'll pray for you.
I be 18 years old when I be diagnosed with cervical cancer insitu (precancerous cells). I singular found out about it because I go in to own my 6 weeks postpartum check up. The procedure itself was not too ghastly, and I only have to get it done once. I feel a little traumatized by it because I be so young and not a soul really explained it to me very very well before paw. I was also a bit freaked out by the certainty that my leg had a ground rope that was going into my vagina. But approaching I said I was infantile and uninformed. The more important module of your question is the fertility issue.

Of course I can not speak for your luggage, it all depends, as you said, on how lots procedures they need to do and how much tissue mess up there is. After my procedure, which be 14 years ago, I have gone on to enjoy two other healthy babies, and am thinking nearly having another. My children be all carried to full permanent status, even a bit over due. And the labor and delivery be normal. I did not own any problems in pregnancy any than the middle-of-the-road complaints.

I hope this gives you the information you are looking for. As other, your doctor is the best source for the information, but it does help to homily to people who hold been within done that. If you have any more question feel free to email me and perfect luck to you.

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