Should i draw from my gangalion cyst removed?

The pain comes and go its on my left appendage

Answers:    I had one on the insole of my foot. It hurt approaching a mother. One morning I stepped on one of my sons toys and after I picked my self up off the floor and stopped crying :) It be gone. I must have popped it or something. In the dated days they were call Gideon cysts. Cause the doctor or whoever would smack it with a bible to break/pop it. If it really bothers you I suggest getting it removed. Its sucks to enjoy them and feels so polite when they are gone.
My Dr told me they usually 'pop' by themselves and the fluid absorbs into the skin. They usually do pop on their own. I have one in my mitt that hurt so badly that I couldn't turn a door knob or hold my steering helm. One night I have a dream that it popped out and was rolling around within my hand, the subsequent morning it was gone. It's come spinal column several times since then, but it other pops and goes away on it's own.
i get mine removed a few years back and it come back. its not worth the money. if its bearable spasm, just concord with it. or, as my doctor said, smack it really knotty with a bible. lol I dont judge you should - there is a occasion they will come back, no business how you treat them so there is no point contained by going through an operation and paying money when the liklehood is it will return. I kow someone who had one on their wrist - they used the appropriate old fad method of hitting it with a book, it hasnt come final since (so far) and was successful at getting rid of it. In short - operations are pricey and not foolproof, a big book you can gain anywhere and still not foolproof, but you can always do it again shold they come backbone :)

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