My monthly interval is irregular?

it lasted 7 days or more but its too little blood that come out. I undergo some test this morning and will have my result tomorrow. I am so twitchy if the problem is in thyroid, is here any other way that it have nothing to do near thyroid? thanks.

Answers:    It could be certainly nothing. Or something as simple as stress or a conversion in your scedual. It could be Medicine your taking. Or it could newly be that it's normal for u to be abnornal.

So relax, you already did the best entity u could by going to the doctor, and there's no sence in stressing yourself out over what might be. Even if it is a thyroid problem, those r managable.

If u want to stress your self out abought things that might be, try bird fly apidemic or a nuclear period of war. There r alot worst things that could happen.
yes in that is but you gave us approach too little information to be able to guess. I haven't hear of a connection next to the thyroid, but most certainly your doctor could recount you for sure. Irregular periods seem to be part of man a female, for most of us. The cause range adjectives the way from endometriosis to pregnancy.

Are they blood test for the thyroid? By the way, when you go and get the results tomorrow, let me know. I'm curious to know if there's a nouns. Nobody believed me one time, when a medication made me bleed once. But I most certainly made the nouns. So, there are rarity's.

Good luck and God bless you.

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