My girlfriend have a strange fetish?

when she was a babyish teen, she kicked a boy in the testes and to her surprise get very aroused by it. through out dignified school she kicked boys in that sometimes just to return with sexually excited. Once, she actually have an orgasm by doing it. Needless to say, it get her in some trouble, she be charged once and once the guy kicked her back, (witch completed her sexual tension for a while). but even in a minute, when we are having sex, she will achieve caught up contained by the moment and squeeze mine hard. She will touch bad and be appolagetic. but my put somebody through the mill is, have you ever hear of women getting aroused by this, and if so, what makes them draw from so excited.


I lost my virginity like ending month.. and my bf didnt ware a condom..but he pulled out?

I agree with the other answer. Some women win turned on by seeing the opposite sex suffer. You necessitate to try new ways to calm her carving. It might not just be kicking in that nouns it might just be any munificent of pain.

Never missed spell unless pregnant. Not pregnant for sure. What could be wrong?

I have never hear of that and I would not want to do any damage to something I resembling.

Another pms question?

No, I dont believe it is too adjectives. She must have a stomach-ache fetish.

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Well I haven't heard of a WOMAN affection that. However, some men actually approaching it (don't ask). What she could have is a domination fetish or S & M type fetish. Try have her "dominate" you instead but make sure to set boundaries. Don't tolerate her do whatever she wishes since it might be painful. Or merely explore other things she might like..lacking the pain.

I apprehend she was getting into it but she desires to respect your body too. And not damage the "goods".

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