I'm peeing a LOT ! HELP PLEASE !?

I don't know why but I pee about twice every hour. Even if it's a short time ago a few drops, I'm PEEING.

When I'm not peeing, I feel the urge to. Whats wrong near me??


Answers:    I am currently having the EXACTsame entity..constant pressure, constant urge to urinate..even when just a few drops.It is H(a)LL! I go to get tested for UTI (bacteria infection)but nearby was no infection found, besides a slight trace of blood from(bruising). I enjoy to say that my Hubby and I (we are amazingly comfortable with one another,enjoy been married for over 10yrs) hold great wild, sex! Its from rough (pounding near any object,or ANY body part) sex.. Usually, after a darkness of drinking! Or just whenever.I remember after reading another answer on another post, that I too have this when I first started having sex! I enjoy had mild symptoms beside being next to my hubby before..but this is the worst.I HAVE HAD BLADDER INFECTION AND THIS IS NOT IT! NO BURNING...JUST CONSANT URGE TO PEE! Anyways,he admit it/he was too intricate! I even knew it too!! But, ya know!;) Sorry peoples, for the expression. But this is my pretext. If you are active surrounded by sex its yours as well,I am sure. Theres alot of other posts on here ans the network, to read about it. I enjoy read that it comes a few days later..and yep, thats me, it did. NO BURNING HERE EITHER! Tylenol help as well as motrin. The bruising is/ will subside for you. As a gentlemen stated on another post, it is not std or etc. It is irritation of urethra an/dor bladder. Your body will return with back to regular.There are other women on here with similar symptoms too. Look them up as powerfully. Remember, ladies and gents, that we women ALWAYS need lubricant(even if you dont imagine so at that moment, use it) on any object /body member that is involved. My hubby is gonna pocket it easy for presently on! Even if I say not to!
that sometimes occur to me too...but if you think your pregnant your best choice is to buy a pregnancy assessment Does it burn? You might have a urinary tract infection. See a doctor and they can do a urine interview to see if that is what is wrong.
this could possibly be cystitis - dont verbs its an infection but its common surrounded by women. You sound approaching you have the symptoms so your best going to the doctors to be on the past the worst side. If you do, he can give you antibiotics and you'll be right as precipitation in no time:)

-Good Luck
Talk to your doctor. Don't want to be an alarmist or anything, but within is a form of diabetes that can cause frequent urination (and excessive thirst).

Or the other things mentioned above.
Urinary Frequency:

The central causes of urinary frequency can be divided into 3 groups:

1.Polyuria when too much urine is human being produced
2.Instability of the detrusor mechanism
3.Inability of the bladder to stretch

However, urinary frequency strictly speaking occur when there is an increased call for to urinate more often lacking a concomitant increase in the volume of urine.


The prevalence increases next to age and is more common contained by WOMEN. In the elderly it is very adjectives in both sexes.


Cystitis e.g. bacterial cystitis, interstitial cystitis, chemical cystitis (e.g. cyclophosphamide)
Vaginitis or vulvar vestibulitis
Urinary tract infection
Detrusor instability
Diabetes mellitus
Prostate related e.g. prostatitis, benign prostatic hypertrophy
Medications e.g. diuretics, doxazosin
Bladder dysfunction
Urinary tract stones or foreign bodies


Are you drinking things beside caffiene in it? That could be cause it maybe? I drink caffiene adjectives the time and I think I psychologically started doing equal thing...(used to run to the bathroom at my second job freshly to relax for a second or two) if that makes sense. It could hold been stress... I own no idea, but once I realize it was me, I own it pretty much under control in a minute. I'm not saying specifically what's wrong with you. It could be something else. I know if you jump to the doctor, they can give you medication that won't make you perceive like you enjoy to go as much.

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