3rd time this month...tremendously concerned. please serve me out a bit.?
im getting kinda worried. any idea what might be going on. and yes i will phone a doctor, but i want to hear what you guys have to voice first because obviously its too slowly right now to give the name.
Answers: If you were on hormonal birth control for a while your body may merely be adjusting to life span without it.
If you haven't next you may have an infection or simply newly stress.
Try to get some sleep tonight, hail as your doctors office surrounded by the morning like you plan on doing but speak to a nurse back making the appointment.
go to the doctor i conjecture thats not normal if u are not on the pill it could be an inconsistency between your estrogen and progesterone. you may ask your doctor about it. a deeper exam through laboratory similar to TSH, T4,T3. it could be something wrong with your glands thats why it secrete too much female hormones, progesterone contained by particular.your doctor may put you on the pill to regulate those hormones.