Girls please help me...!?

I just get my first period a few days ago. How come i similar to have to make over the pad similar to every hour bc it gets realllly annoying and i dont read why!?!?!?!?!


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are you varying it because you have a really weighty flow? If so, you might want to talk to your mom and doctor roughly possibly taking birth control to make the flow smaller. But except, you don't have to swing every single hour. It's reccomended not to leave a wipe for any longer than 6 hours ( but id adjust it before that something like every 3-4 hrs) to prevent from getting infections, plus if you leave it that long you'd probably be capable of smell it as well ( gross!) sway in nearby. It'll become second nature to you and it won't become so annoying. When i first get mine, i thought it was annoying as capably and felt resembling EVERYONE knew i be on it. but don't worry, it'll adjectives get easier as your body adjust itself and gets used to it as resourcefully. best of luck!

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it'll be kinda odd and frustrating at first because its all unmarked to you, but you'll get used to it.

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The don't ring up it "the curse" for nothing. We adjectives find it annoying.

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Hey. the principle why is because the blood drys and it sticks to... u know.

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use tampons my first period i used pad and they got on my ultimate nerve i feel like they other stuck to me it was grose so my second one i started using tampons and it be way better

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the pad is annoying or the bleeding?
conceivably you have an oversized wipe...
i understand you...i bleed heavily and enjoy to constantly change pad.i go through a pack and a half every month

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you shouldnt have to silver it every hour. u might not have a giant enough absorbancy wipe. normally u hold to change it roughly every 3-4 hours. when u first start ur period tho, sometimes u may quality self-conscious that you will leak and specifically y u check it so often. try tampons.


maybe you should buy thicker pad. if you have buoyant right now, try surrounding substance or heavy.

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You are just a weighty bleeder. I was resembling that when I first started too. It will get lighter through the week, but probability are you will always bleed cumbersome you're first few days.

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u prolly bought the cheap kind..try other ultra thin wad

Why does it hurt?

You should probably wait rather while longer so you dont have to transformation it every hour. Its just that you are unused to all these different change. Relax and try not to think going on for it. It will be over before you know it. That is until subsequent month.Good Luck :)

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