My interval...?

okay, so i'm 16, i haven't had my length since like August of 2007 to this daylight, which is February 2008. so yah...its been a long time, i don't own sex, i'm not pregnant of course, nad i enjoy no idea wats wrong. i read somewhere that its regular for teenage girls to own irregular periods...but resembling isn't this too much? like isn't 7 months a bit excessive?

ugh! god, like my mom say its because of my wieght...which is 200...yah, i know..ugh. i'm trying to lose wieght, but i'm gettin worried.

should i be worried?

lately i've been getting desperate cramps...does this mean anyhing??

please sustain mee!

Answers:    I had alike probably I had talk to a Doctor and he seemed resembling it was okay.After more or less 5 Months of it came put money on and I was fine ^^.I am over immensity like you and I hold bad cramps as soon as it come back but a few period later I be fine and it went stern normal.Most folks think it is stress and I enjoy had my length for 4 years too so not sure why it happened ^^.
why havent you see a doctor about this all the same? you might want to go to the doctor.
greatly of people enjoy irregular periods.
i didnt own mine for 3 months one time.
but 7 months is long.
you should go to the doctor.
Bad cramps? All fragment of the period system. I don't suppose it's your wieght, but check with your docter. Yes, and 7 months does nouns a bit excessive, but irregular periods are ok. Yeah, check beside your docter . it might be due to stress but you should definetly go to the doctor to see if in attendance is a serious problem just to be undisruptive
well you should try to find out what a athletic weight for your age and rank is. How long have you be getting your period? Sometimes the first 2 years are irregular. If you are have bad cramps you should emphatically see your doctor. If you've been getting your length for more than 2 years then 7 months seem like a long time, better undisruptive than sorry! Just because you might be overweight doesn't mean you automatically hold irregular periods, in that could be other causes. I've hear of women being underweight and have their periods stop but not when women are single overweight.

Usually periods will stop because of a hormone discrepancy.

Have you always be heavier or is the weight trial? I ask because if it is a new article then you may enjoy a thyroid condition or PCOS, both will cause substance gain and stop your periods.

Have you be to visit a doctor not long? Can your mom take you? If not homily to the nurse at school, see if she can't assist you out or refer you to someone who can help you.

BTW: the unpromising cramps probably mean that you are going to hold your period soon. If it does come soon, you should still shift see a doctor to rule out any medical problems.
yeah your weight can play a big factor especially if your drinking habbits are bad and if you enjoy been getting cramps afterwards maybe your going to start soon

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