How can we increase my wife's libido after a hysterctomy?

My wife (53) had a hysterectomy three years ago and her sex drive , which have been above ordinary, has disappeared. We're together for ever but we would both similar to some of the fun back.

Uti + sex? help out =\?

I absolutely agree next to the other answer. She or you need to ring her GYN. Often woman need secondary harmones to increase there sex drive. This isn't singular after an hysterectomy, but after many surgeries or childbirth. Communication is so key at this point in your life. There is comfort, please seek it! Good luck

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She should talk to her gynecologist.

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She requests to see her doctor regarding loss of sex drive. It's probably a hormonal problem and they can treat her for that. I hope that things are enhanced in short establish.

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Hormone replacements might work, but they carry a seemingly ever-expanding set of risks... you own to do a cost/benefit analysis with her OB/Gyn doc to really investigate this.

Part of it could be psychological and moderately unconscious on her element. Many women report feeling "less" of a woman because of the loss of reproductive organs, and they become shy in the order of sex, afraid they somehow will be less desirable and attractive. This is even more adjectives in women who lose one or both breasts to cancer, but is in principle common within hyst patients as well.

Make sure she understand just how much you want HER sexually... Try adding up extra romantic touches to drive that message home... show her that you're willing to lift the time and extra effort to bring in her feel looked-for. Even though she might be wanting to want it like she did since, the subconscious might be holding her back. In some bloody cases, this can progress to full-blown depression and anxiety, which then requires meds to reverse. Encourage her to desire support groups through the surgeon who did the work...
Best Wishes,
Ed, RN (Psych)

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