What class of infection own i gotten? Do I hold to see a doctor?

Recentlly I got some white discharge from my vagina ( Little white things) . I own had sex next to my Bf during this time when I still hadn't been really realize that I have this problem untill a few days then taht I started getting annoyed by irritation, and itching. I dont feel any desperate odor or pain. but a bit terrified because I have never have this problem before.. I be wandering if I got this from My Bf or it's purely normal infection that will budge away with using some available drug (Like in walmart or target for this tyuype of problem) Or I hold to see adoctor. The thing is I dont hold insurance and it would cost me alot, so trying to figure it out if I can facilitate myself first then second resort is doctor.. has anyone have this problem before?.. necessitate some advice, Thanks.

Answers:    Only a doctor can recount for sure if you have a yeast infection by taking a swab and run some test. Most of us can sometimes tell by the get the impression, look, and smell that you have a yeast infection. If your symptoms don't meeting this list, or you are confused or disbelieving, go see your doctor if at adjectives possible.

It feels similar to an intense itching, burning sensation, localized in your vagina and vulva. This itching is not other present, but can get really fruitless, so bad you can scarcely walk, tolerate alone sit still or concentrate on anything.

It looks like clumpy white stuff. Most medical descriptions compare the discharge to ricotta cheese, but it can array from thick and not clumpy to finely yellow to trim and clear.

It smells like bread or beer. In reality, it smells pretty much exactly like yeast.

There are other types of infections that can sometimes infect your vagina and vulva and it's considerate to know the symptoms of all of them so you can be really sure back you go treat yourself for a yeast infection you might not own.

A bacterial infection of the vagina can feel greatly like a yeast infection if the vulval nouns is itchy or painful. Unlike a yeast infection, the discharge can be menacing yellow, green, or brown and it won't smell close to bread, it can smell like fish or something rotting. If you reflect you might have a bacterial infection, or if you're not sure, acquire I would recommend going to see your doctor as this has to be treated next to prescription antibiotics.

Urinary tract infections (UTI's) are due to bacteria infecting the urethra fairly than the vagina. UTI's can be fairly smoothly distinguished from vaginal infections by a host of symptoms, including pain or burning when urinating, blood or mucus within urine, needing to urinate normally, pain or pressure surrounded by back or lower tummy and a fever or chills. If you infer you might have a UTI, don't snag, go see your doctor, because the infection can travel up departed the bladder, causing kidney twist.

Another type of infection called trichomoniasis is cause by a parasite that can infect both the vagina and the urinary tract, and is primarily sexually transmitted. If you have a trichomoniasis infection, your vagina can be itchy or tight, it can hurt to urinate, intercourse can be painful, and occasionally you can experience strain in your lower belly. Again, you have to see a doctor to catch antibiotics to treat this.

I would recommend you see your doctor just to rule out any other infections and to procure a proper diagnosis and proper treatment.

Good luck :)
hi there, it sounds approaching you might have thrush, this cause a "cottage cheese" type discharge and like a burning itchy sensation. This can be sorted by over the counter medication approaching canestan a pessary for internal (used like a tampax) and cream for the outer nouns, use the cream on your B/f aswell. To be really sure though you need to see your doctor. Using a condom can stop profusely of STDs (although thrush can be caused by talc, scented products or even an imbalance within your natural moisture) please use them for your own strength and saftey. hope this helps. pocket care.xx Most imagined a yeast infection. Take an over the counter 4-7 day treatment. If it is still a problem, stir to the Doctor.

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