The pill...?
When did you start taking it?
Are some brands bad?
Answers: It stops you from getting pregnant, regulates your interval, and makes it lighter and shorter, and help with time pain, and can give support to your skin, also it can make brand name your boobs grow.
Some brands don't work for certain relations, you just hold to experiment until you find one that works for you.
it sorts out acne, prevents you from getting pregnant and makes period shorter, regular and lighter. There are more than one type of pill but they all simply manipulate your body's hormone level to stop ovulation or prevent conception. the side affects of the adjustment to your hormone levels can dull acne etrc but the different drugs affect individuals differently... trial and testing will agree to you know what works with your own body... try for different name etc... cheers.
PS I'm a male nurse so i havn't tried it myself!! ;-)