Please comfort and your evaluation?

I weigh about 130 lbs. and I'm 5'6. I'm 16 years frail. I started my diet about 5 weeks ago. I hold lost about 10 lbs so far and lost 1.5 within around my bottom and my waist is a 26 1/2 so far. I want to loose 5-8 lbs. or in other words go and get my bottom down to a 36 (its a 38 now) I exercise 5-6 days per week, (moderate activity.) I've be eating give or take a few 1450-1500 per day so far . But because of stress and excitemnt for a in one piece week I've done a terrible work and broke my diet and I'm even MORE miserable. And I must have put a 1/4 surrounded by back on my butt, at lowest I feel similar to it. I feel So doomed to failure and SO guilty. I HATE stress. :.(

Answers:    First of all, congratulations on losing the amount you did - that's tough to do, and you should be proud of that.

Don't verbs, and just remind yourself that if you did it once you can do it again.

I'm not sure what the put somebody through the mill is you're asking here, but I'd say don't verbs.
Running helps me grasp rid of stress. =] You are so skinny I'm so jealous
Why are you trying to lose consignment is the first question you want to ask yourself. There's nothing wrong beside being vigorous but you are a good size for your age and point. You're at such a good freight right now... why are you dieting? I'm 5'3, 120 and I hold a 28 inch waist 38 hip and I am STILL little. If you take caution of yourself.. your body will show it's healthy counterbalance and keep it! :)
130 lbs isn't too much. It's approaching exactly average. I wouldn't even worry so much around it. Don't go on a diet. Just drink healthily and exercise just resembling you're doing, but don't worry more or less your weight. You're at the idyllic weight for you.

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