Having a term after Lupron??

I officially finished my lupron within December. I started taking birth control immediatey after. I have be on a strict regimen of 3 months consecutively on BC to have no period, and then rest a month. So deeply 3 periods a year. Well, I lately went sour of my 3rd consecutive pack, and waited for my time of year, but it never came. I have cramps and headaches, and adjectives of the PMS symptoms, but no bleeding. Has anyone else experienced no periods after Lupron? Is this conventional?

Answers:    I think you should basically forget the period and catch busy with your husband adjectives the time! Who cares going on for missing your period when you could be have sex.

By the way...your avatar is hot!
I hold talked to others who enjoy done Lupron and then when they go on the pill it still took some time for the period to come because the body be trying to get in step to not being on the Lupron anymore. I would recommend checking near your doctor as well to see what they influence.

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