Am i about to start my time of year?

I'm 13, about 5', 90 lbs, and a 34 a or aa, if that help. Well, I've been have what i think are cramps adjectives day, my stomach will hurt for roughly speaking an hour just below my bellybutton (not badly) and consequently it'll just stop... also i touch unable to excercise (im severely athletic). My zits suddenly cleared up, without notice, and I'm getting discharge again (it had stopped for a while). Please oblige, am i going to start? im going on travel tomorrow and i dont want to get it on the plane!

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I have no concept if you're going to start it! But I do know that if your body is getting ready to start your length, the change contained by pressure and altitude will start it right away. Take a pad or tampon or both, or several of both beside you just within case. tylonal, advil, or midol wouldn't be a discouraging packing idea any.

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With the information u give me, it sounds like u are just about to start. I was 10 yrs. older when I first started my period, I didn't hold cramps, I just go to the bathroom, and saw red in my urine. I am 12 presently.

After pregnancy check-up.?

Wear a panty liner while you're traveling...better safe than sorry, honey

Can u be pregnet if u own light period and last 3 days?

Sounds approaching it to me too. I started at 9 yrs old and have the worst cramps (I didnt know what they were rear then though) around a month before paw. Then in the 7 days influential up to it I also had the cramps that you are presenting near. The discharge is absolutely everyday as it is getting ready to start bleeding.

My direction is to take some tampons/ pad with you on the plane newly incase you do get them but dont be alarmed as you are in a minute turning into a woman :)
Have a good one

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Don't madness. I was lucky I didn't achieve mine untill I was 14. Is your stomach for a while bigger than usual? If so than that can mean your bloated. Just cart it easy and get some sanitary stuff in your purse so you can be prepared. And confer to your mom, she should know how to help.

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well get some pad just incase produce if u do u start u will haft to have some if not . Ur at the age and u usually start when Ur at least 100lbs but very soon that Ur 13 that doesn't matter. you really don't know but the cramps are a sign conceivably in 3 weeks who know .and make sure to own some Advil if u do. don't worry it is no big treaty u just haft to receive used to it.i was 11 when i started and it be over winter break so it better that starting during school but in a minute I'm 15 and its no biggie

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First, cool down. If you start you can be prepared. It sounds like you basically may be ready so it's time to find either a wipe or tampon, whichever you feel most comfortable next to.

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