Is it typical to hold more discharge after have sex?
Answers: Yes, because presently you have inbred lubrication in your vagina. Also, it have been said that, repeatedly, a woman's body will try to compensate for something. Like, if a girl has sex while she have her period, normally, her period will stop for a few hours because her body equates sex near reproduction. Your body could simply be compensating for the fact that presently it's had something inside of it, it's getting geared up for it again.
I don't have an exact answer or a motivation for you, but I know plenty of girls who have have more discharge after they lost their virginity, or even switched partners.
Yes its categorically normal. Nothing to verbs There's your own lubrication, which has nowhere to stir but out. If you added any lubrication, or used lubricated condoms, that just added to the mess.
I hope you're smarter than this fictional situation, but just suppose he ejaculate inside you - the only road it comes out is the way it go in.
It sounds pretty average, like a innate extension of the famous "damp spot."