No sensation of need to pee?

Since giving bith to my son 3 weeks ago, i have not be able to quality any sensation of needing to pee. Has anyone else experienced this, and what does it suggest?

Irregular Menstruation and Diarrhea?

a good quiz to your question is what type of labour you've undergone? CS or normal spontaneous? What type of anesthesia they give you during labor and delivery?

That might be due to trauma surrounded by vaginal canal which affects your urethral sphincther muscles' gall.

It is vague to discuss your casing without sufficient information.

Ask your OB on your subsequent post partum appointment check up.

PMDD medication how long does it take to see in?!?!?

3 weeks is longer than one would expect; it must own been traumatic! Notify your MD or midwife.

I havent have a period since march past and not pregnant?

Are you being caught short? is this problem a social humiliation to you . I would say increase your intake of fluid your bladder must have a feeling the full imput of your urine .
If this fails I would shift back to your doctor , after pregnancy usually the contrary happens the bladder become oversensitive because of pressure from the pregnancy .

During sexual intercourse?

it means u hold a serious infection
in ur kidney or lower.check it out asap.

Wat do you do when you feel alone?

I give birth to my son 8 weeks ago and I had one and the same problem and still do. I am not sure what it means. Did you enjoy a rough labor? I did theyhad to use forceps to get him out and they said that I ripped on the inside of my vagina from the first showing all the mode back to my cervix. I can consistency it now when I enjoy to pee but not always, sometimes I turn all morning and only pee within the morning when I wake up and at darkness before I jump to bed because I never get the requirement.

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