Missed period after stopping bc mid cycle, distrustful EPT test, any accepted wisdom?

I stopped taking Loestrin, that pill that is supposed to supply you shorter periods, within the middle of my cycle. I was supposed to get hold of my period a moment or two over a week ago and it still has not come. I took and Early Pregnancy testing and it was glum. I am just wondering what else could be cause this, and at what point i should see a doctor, or take another interview?

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it will just thieve your body time to regulate give it a few weeks don't forget your body have been running on controlled hormones, very soon your body has to start producing its own it can clutch time.

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it could take up to 2 months for your spell to return to and up to 6 months for it to be normal again. dont verbs, it'll come.

Im 13 and i dont have my length..?

dont worry dawdle another 2 weeks and if you still havent had it run to your doctor and tell him the full story

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It's best to see a doctor soon, get a check up and a PAP. Discuss the side effects of the drug that you stopped taking, it may be cog of your problem. But I would check with your doctor they also can run a better pregnancy theory test for you. Good Luck

Is it normaly if u start ur period thenu dont seize it again?

My wife was on BC for going on for a year after she stopped taking it, it took about 3 - 4 months until that time she was completely regular again. it is newly the body getting back to it's inbred rhythm.

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You may want to name and ask a doctor. You may just own irregular periods, I did beforehand I was on birth control. and it isn't due to vigour problems. As soon as I don't take pills they're irregular again. I hope this help.

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I would provide it another week. You've toyed with your crude cycle so it will probaly be off for awhile.

Virginity and sex. HELP?

i cogitate your fine. it's probably the hormones readjusting. but if you had sex and missed pills during that time time, retake a test soon

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First, don't stress about it. that will throw everything rotten.
Second, you threw your bodies Chemistry off go together and it will take time to draw from it back to mundane.
Wait a week from the day you took the EPT and try again.(Dollar Tree have tests for a dollar that are lately as effective)
Just in overnight case you are pregnant, eat strong, take pre-natal vitamins, and avoid alcohol and tobacco, etc. until you are sure.

Do you want to be pregnant? Why did you stop mid-cycle?
I hope you go and get the answer you want.

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