This is worth losing 5 pts for clich??..?

Since checking out this womens health constituent of the site I notice adjectives the same question, am I pregnant(well I dunno go lift a test, walk to your doctor, what more advice can we confer?), My period is in arrears but I've been doing *BLANK* differently, or I've be taking the pill, or I just started to get hold of my rag(well read other posts about indistinguishable thing, change in diet, exercise, stress, contemporary jobs, medication can adjectives change your cycle, distinctly if you just have your rag for 2 months it isn't going to be set to a cycle yet) And the best all the same..if I put *blank* on/in my vagina what will it do?(This is crazy..lmao... why would you wanna put something that burns if you get it on a cut within your special place? I mean what more can we right to be heard about this??)So heres the big grill, am I the only one getting a bit bored with adjectives the same question? Come on people donate us something challenging to work near!!

Answers:    Gosh I couldnt agree more.
And I was thinking roughly posting a question approaching this too.
Its was worth the five point loss hah : )
I don't mind helping them because even though it's irritating and stupid it's a open concern to those people and they involve to know the answers.

That said the "am I pregnant" ones particularly annoy me. Take a trial!

Edit: And I agree with helene that the hymen/cherry ones are also a bit irritating! Especially the answers that go on to influence it's inside you!
can i ** u I totally agree .. If the people asking the question looked at the page for 5 mins they would find the same Q w/ 100 awnsers. STOP BEING STUPID PEOPLE
haha yeah, here are a lot of like questions close to you said with pregnancy and getting your spell at first. Finding info about pregnancy symptoms is SUPER flowing... and for all of the younger teens looking for time info... check out There's a couple of questions that bring back on here that are good... I dont contemplate its boring...
yea EXACT same questions attain annoying and the dumb ** people would deem of asking but i just resembling answering questions so i dont strictness if there dumb ample to ask a dumb question than its ok to provide a dumb answer right.?? :~) The best part roughly speaking it, is when you fill contained by your question and after click to write in the auxiliary info space, a little box pops up next to a list of similar question.

Also, in the Diet and Fitness Section, every other ask is "Am I fat?" and the one's that aren't are "Am I tubby if I'm ____ tall and 15 and weigh 8 pounds?"

It's such a crestfallen thing when family are too lazy or dumb to lately read a little bit.
Are you discussion about the girl that put saline in her vagina? I stingy seriously, wouldn't a normal soul want to find out what it would do BEFORE they put the salt surrounded by, not after?

But yes, I'm so sick of explaining to girls where their hymens are, and explaining to boys why hymens don't concern, that I could just spit. I've have it up to here with hymen question. No more for me this week.

And if I see just any more girl use the phrase "pop my cherry", I may have a stroke. What a vulgar, stupid occupancy.
Amen! Then there are the ones that post indistinguishable question a dozen times. If it be not for the repeats, there might not be satisfactory questions?

  • I'm really confused?
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  • Is something wrong near me? PLEASE HELP! (perferably womanly only)?
  • Is it average to hold burning anguish within your nipples formerly your term?
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  • Breast distress?

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