I enjoy some contraceptive question?

First of all I habe be on the Nuva ring for three years and almost the whole time i enjoy had discharge and alot of irritation -- I be treated for Bacterial vaginosis times 8! so i got sick of my GYN and switched and my unmarked GYN said it may be irritation from the ring? He put me on loestrin 24 FE pills. Okay so is this true that the foreign matter could hold caused adjectives that pain irritation and discharge? Could this finally solve my problem? -- he checked for adjectives STD's and infection and said none were present. He seem to think it is newly irritation? -- if this is truly the cause and the horrible irritation and discharge go away i will be so happy!!

Also when switching from the ring to the pill my doctor didnt communicate me what to do so i took the ring out 2 days ago, and today i started on a pill. After i read this i read the directions (doh!) and it said to wait 7 days after taking ring out to start pill? could this overdose me? do i requirement to call poison control? or freshly sick?

Answers:    You might get stomach cramps, breakthrough bleeding, or attain your period ahead of time or later than you expect it due to the added hormones, but you don't need to hail as poison control. (Actually, when my brother was 2 he ate nearly 15 of my mom's estrogen pills because they were purple and looked approaching candy, and poison control said not to worry in the region of it!)

Over a period of give or take a few six months last year, I have an ongoing battle beside recurring infections. I have a mystery bacterial infection that didn't respond to antibiotics, even the strong ones. I tested negative for STDs. Each time I be given antibiotics I developed a yeast infection too, but once that was cleared, the bacterial infection be always still within. Eventually it just go away on its own.

It's possible you had something similar come about. If it goes away in a minute that the ring is gone, that was probably the basis. Otherwise, you may just entail to keep man treated for the infections.

Good luck, and good for you for human being proactive if you were forlorn with your doctor.
OK first, permit me congratulate you on having the ring removed. It be very smart on your part of a set.
Yes, the discharge and discomfort definitely is the grounds for the discharge if everything else has be ruled out.
You will not overdose so don't flip out, but it could make your hormones out of wack for a few days, it should be OK. Sounds close to you will be able to carry straightened out now. Congrats sweetie!

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