What's a pious path to obtain rid of a yeast infection? And do I hold one?

It seems similar to every time after I have sex (usually a couple times a week, around the weekend), it burns for a moment when I pee, and I get itchy up nearby. This happens every time and it's completely annoying, should I be concerned?

Also, what are some nice ways that I can get rid of a yeast infection (if it is one), minus going to the doctor?

Answers:    well near a yeast infection you usualy get white cottage cheese looking discharge. and it usually make your skin around your vagina itch. i would try using something like ky gel subsequent time you are sexually active to drain some of the friction and if youve been using laytex condoms you could be allergic to the laytex try a laytex free condom near some added lube see it that dont help oh and if your condom own spermicide in them afterwards theres your problem some times bc can cause this try newly washing next to a warm soapy rinse out clothe right after sex and see it that wont sooth some of the itching
If you really don't want to go to the doctor, they enjoy test kit now at wal mart, walgreens, etc. It will relate you whether or not you have a yeast infection. The prescription for it is right beside it in suitcase you need that as ably. Check in the pharmacy fragment. I just get over a yeast infection after visiting the doctor, and I be told that there that I could simply cure the yeast infection by any over the counter yeast product that claims to cure it surrounded by seven days. My doctor suggested Monostat 7, which I bought for only $13. Monostat also sell 1 days yeast cures and 5 day yeast cures, all the same my doctor said that the 5 day yeast treatment have an 88% success rate compared to the 7 daylight, which pretty much leaves no trace of yeast. Suit yourself, but I would choose the 7 day if I be you.

PS: Do not leave a yeast infection untreated! It can organize to pelvic inflamatory disesase, which can permanently make worse your ovaries and uterus, and the damage is irreversible. Please bring care of your body.
I suppose you are just have sensitive skin. I dont think its a yeast infection. Does it smell bleak or can you visibly see a difference?

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