Are there any long term effects to not wearing a bra?

Answers:    If your breasts are big then the lack of support could give you bad backache, also as you get older as already mentioned they will sag and end up looking flat instead of rounded and pert. I would also suggest wearing an underwired bra as it keeps them trained to stay upright!
I personally find wearing a bra at night very uncomfortable, so I take it off and there's nothing wrong with leaving them free over night!.
I think it really depends. If the breasts are smaller probably not but if they're a larger size probably sagging and pain from not having the proper support. I know some ladies that have used "the pencil test" to see whether or not they should wear a bra. But a normal sized pencil underneath you breast and between you chest and if it stays you should definitely wear a bra. Disturbed friends... But it they will get saggy. One of my friends doesn't wear a bra, and she has large breasts. They are saggy. (I only know this because she has flashed me plenty of times on accident...) but unless your breasts happen to be a very large size, then you might develope alot of back problems..
If you have larger size breasts, I would think a little sagging but not until you're older. If they are uncomfortable for you, why don't you try a light sports bra or a bra with no underwire? They will sag much sooner then if you had worn a bra regularly. That is.. if you never wear a bra. If you only occasionally go bra-less then there is nothing to worry about. .
1. If your pretty active and not wearing a bra they may start to hurt.
2. Major embarressment
3. Boobs May Sag When Your Older.
actually its way better to wear a bra caz it gets ur boobs used to that position and then it helps wen ur older to not be as saggy Actually there is. Your boobies become saggy and gooey..
long term your boobs can get saggy- so fyi if you have tities you should wear a bra
Yes saggy boobs. And no one wants those. So keep the girls up..
long term effects? no way..! but there will be short term!! ouch! other than unsightly sagging later in life, not really .
public embarassment? saggy boobs.

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