Can u start takin the pill minus bein on your extent and if so how long does it purloin to work?

ive been told to start the pill on the 1st time of my next time but not sure when my next one is so can i lately start takin it now and if i can how long will it purloin to work b4 i am protected against pregnancy

Answers:    If you take it in a minute you will be protected after one week.
It all depends on which pill you are on. I am on YAZ and I am irregular. I started my pills on a Monday and I did npt enjoy my period but by the 26th of the month I have my period and did for two weeks. Not proverb that this is going to happen to you but thats what happen to me and it normally take a good month simply to be on the safe side. But you can start them at anytime you may still return with your period a few days subsequent or at the end of the month it adjectives depends on how your body works!

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