Birthcontrol , wrong year and gentle?

okaay so i lost my bc right, and then i be like okay , im pretty sure i forgot to pinch it the other night, soo, i only opend up a new pack of tri cyclen lo, and i be on the white pills, and i was spos to nick 2 of the white ones, but i accidently took 2 of the blue ones... what should i do:|?

Answers:    Take the 2 white pills today. Tomorrow take your pill at the regular time. Until you start a contemporary pack, you will also need to use a backup form of birth control similar to condoms, just within case because low dose pills are not thoroughly effective if you miss any of them, even if you nick it later that light of day.
Take the white ones..the blue pills are just sugar pills..i dont even embezzle the blue ones. But try and take them the right times, because when you mess up you enjoy to change your routine or hang about until you can get posterior on a regualr cycle. Its ok to take *2!* pills once you missed them but it have to be at the same time and nil more than 2. After more than 2 missed pills you could have wrecked your cycle and might own to make some adjustment. Just be careful, its your body.

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