Can you gain a pap smear if your a virgin?


How Do U know?

Yes you can. It's a normal OB/GYN interview reguardless of your sexual history to monitor your health and to check for cervical cancer.

First length!?!?

Yes. You can get a pap smear as long as you're feminine.

I was supposed to return with my period(sorry guys) last Monday and it still hasn't come is there something wrong?

yeah I guess.

Are here negative or uncertain effects to taking estrogen?

yes it is very major to get per annum pap smears, even if your not having sex because oodles things can happen- its better to be safe than sorry. pap smears lug less than a minute and it let you know your healthy

Can anyone recommend, from personal experience, a wet based lubricant for an extended vulva stroke.?

Yes. It will hurt the first time

Usually before we start I (male) discharges, how to avoid this ackward situation?

Yes, but near's not really a reason to unless you are trying to acquire on birth control


yeah you can.

Why do all question in the mens robustness section hold to do with penises?

Yes. Paps are used to check for std's, abnormality, and cancer. Even if you aren't sexually active you should own a regular pap test. It's a bit mortified whether you're a virgin or not.

Is anyone worried, really worried, about anything?

Yes. You aren't promising to need one though unless you show some sort of abnormality. It is recommended that women start seeing a gynecologist once they start have sex or reach majority (18), whichever comes first.

When will i start my term?

yep. It's basically basically a swab and not anything intrusive, so it's okay.

Will my doctor prescribe me growth hormone pills?

yes you can.. even if your a virgin you can get hold of yeast infections and other problems as well so it's a fitting idea to enjoy one done any way. :)

Just out of curiosity i considered necessary to ask?

yeah but you have no requirement for it. the reason why you bring back a pap is after you've had sex and they want ot produce sure you dont have any diseases.

How to get hold of bigger breast?

YES and you should

Had sex with my boyfriend yesterday and the condom bust inside..whats the best track of preventing me from ge

well..i don't think that the doctor will agree to do it..but everything is possible very soon days..but my advice is better don't do it if u never hold sex..

Help me, please, i'm very curious..?

Yes. You're checked for ovarian cancer, and things of that sort. Its flawless to get one if you're over 18. Virgin or not. And if here is a disease or conditions that runs in the women surrounded by your family, it's probably best to obtain one after you turn about 16.

Talk to your gynocologist or doctor.

Serious Question for women ..please serve if possible?

Yes, it have nothing to do near your sex life. It is nearly the health of the things inside, a pap smear is the first step to detect anything atypical with your cervix (cervical cancer). It is a righteous idea to own one a few years after you get your time. I would strongly recomend getting one, just to be on the risk-free side. There are lots of free clinics to go to, if money is an issue. Your robustness is very exalted! Good luck.

Anyone eve have dysplasia due to HPV? i'm going to hold a LEEP on wednesday?

of course! And even if your a virgin, you are encouraged to return with one when you turn sixteen anyway. It doesn't hurt, it's just self-conscious and awkward. I definitly think you should progress for it, it's something that's just moral to have, and lots of womanly problems arent cause by sex.

Can I have breast augmentation in need first removing the lump in my breast?

yes, it may not be as neccessary but tell your gyno the truth when you run in and they may not obligation to do one at all, lately an exam

Ive been thoroughly moody lately also tired what is wrong with me?

yes but surrounded by general the trial is for HPV which causes cervical cancer and can just be gotten through sexual contact, but it is used to test for other abnormality.

Does Green tea increase a womans sex drive ?

Yes, you can.

I got my first pap at age 11 when I started menstruating (I didn't lose my virginity until I turned 21).

Im emmbaresed to shop for bras what should i do?

Yes,you can find pap smear if you are a virgin,I'm a virgin and I did one,it didn't hurt.

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