I Cannot Believe This Just Freakin Happened!?

sooooo, i just finished a college paper within the library and i go to sit down and a FREAKIN' splinter goes right into my FREAKIN' finger!!

i get the big piece out now i have close to a small little piece under my skin!!

please help me..how do i gain it out...i HATE pain!

Help Me...Please?

well when i use to find splinters i remember my ma always taking a safety pin, whiping it down next to alcohol, light the pen with a lighter to sterolize it and afterwards try to pluck out the splinter...yea it may hurt and im sure your a baby but you gotta do it. or if it stays in long plenty you finger will get gang green in it and they will own to cut your lil finger off booo lol
but im sure if your boyfriend was beside you, he would get it out for you and make it adjectives better for you..hey your sexy...u gotta man?

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The least painful instrument would be to run to the store and get some drawing salve. You only just rub some on there and put a band aid on it and it should come out on it's own. Much better than tweezing it. I own something called "Smile's Prid" it says it's a drawing unguent and anti infectant, so something like that would be good.

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try to verbs it out. i had a really tiny splinter in my finger and it hurt approaching really bad when i left it within there. i somehow peeled it out and approaching put a band-aid over it. but, more pleasantly just stick a bandaid over it and it will come out i think after a sunshine cuz it works 4 me.

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First, wash it in hot soapy marine. Then, take a needle, and use it to verbs up your skin. Take tweesers, and pull it out. If it doesn't work the first time, try it again. This method worked really well when I be a kid, my mom did it all the time! Trust me, this may seem close to a scary method, but it works real in good health!! Hope I helped in some path.

No more tears!

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wow. a sliver.
better see a doctor!
seriously.chill. your not gonna die.
pull it out with tweezers and grasp on with your day.

Please oblige?!?

Put watery soap on the opening covered by a bandaid, check every day until it is on the bandaid.

Girls Answer Please: Am I impressive?

try placing some cassette over it to pull it out. if not hold someone take it out with a sterilized syringe. good luck

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Try to pick it out with a plunger or tweezers. It'll come out eventually.

When me and my partner of 3 years hold sex it burns.?

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Is this true ?
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